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2015-09-10T16:51:18-07:00 (9 years ago)
Marek Rychlik
1 edited


  • branches/f4grobner/.junk/monomial.lisp

    r2441 r3731  
    204204  "A human-readable representation of a monomial M as a list of exponents." 
    205205  (coerce m 'list))
     207(defclass term (monom)
     208  ()
     209  (:documentation "Implements a term, i.e. a product of a scalar
     210and powers of some variables, such as 5*X^2*Y^3."))
     212(defmethod print-object ((self term) stream)
     213  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t :identity t)
     214    (with-accessors ((exponents monom-exponents)
     215                     (coeff scalar-coeff))
     216        self
     217      (format stream "EXPONENTS=~A COEFF=~A"
     218              exponents coeff))))
     221(defmethod r-equalp ((term1 term) (term2 term))
     222  (when (r-equalp (scalar-coeff term1) (scalar-coeff term2))
     223    (call-next-method)))
     225(defmethod update-instance-for-different-class :after ((old monom) (new  scalar) &key)
     226  (setf (scalar-coeff new) 1))
     228(defmethod multiply-by :before ((self term) (other term))
     229  "Destructively multiply terms SELF and OTHER and store the result into SELF.
     230It returns SELF."
     231  (setf (scalar-coeff self) (multiply-by (scalar-coeff self) (scalar-coeff other))))
     233(defmethod left-tensor-product-by ((self term) (other term))
     234  (setf (scalar-coeff self) (multiply-by (scalar-coeff self) (scalar-coeff other)))
     235  (call-next-method))
     237(defmethod right-tensor-product-by ((self term) (other term))
     238  (setf (scalar-coeff self) (multiply-by (scalar-coeff self) (scalar-coeff other)))
     239  (call-next-method))
     241(defmethod left-tensor-product-by ((self term) (other monom))
     242  (call-next-method))
     244(defmethod right-tensor-product-by ((self term) (other monom))
     245  (call-next-method))
     247(defmethod divide-by ((self term) (other term))
     248  "Destructively divide term SELF by OTHER and store the result into SELF.
     249It returns SELF."
     250  (setf (scalar-coeff self) (divide-by (scalar-coeff self) (scalar-coeff other)))
     251  (call-next-method))
     253(defmethod unary-minus ((self term))
     254  (setf (scalar-coeff self) (unary-minus (scalar-coeff self)))
     255  self)
     257(defmethod r* ((term1 term) (term2 term))
     258  "Non-destructively multiply TERM1 by TERM2."
     259  (multiply-by (copy-instance term1) (copy-instance term2)))
     261(defmethod r* ((term1 number) (term2 monom))
     262  "Non-destructively multiply TERM1 by TERM2."
     263  (r* term1 (change-class (copy-instance term2) 'term)))
     265(defmethod r* ((term1 number) (term2 term))
     266  "Non-destructively multiply TERM1 by TERM2."
     267  (setf (scalar-coeff term2)
     268        (r* term1 (scalar-coeff term2)))
     269  term2)
     271(defmethod r-zerop ((self term))
     272  (r-zerop (scalar-coeff self)))
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