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Changeset 4070 for branches

2016-05-31T19:22:21-07:00 (8 years ago)
Marek Rychlik

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1 edited


  • branches/f4grobner/division.lisp

    r4065 r4070  
    6161  ;; terms are dropped.
    6262  (subtract
    63    (multiply c2 f)
    64    (multiply c1 (multiply m g))))
     63   (multiply f c2)
     64   (multiply (multiply m g) c1)))
    6666(defun check-loop-invariant (c f a fl r p
    8383  |#
    8484  (let* ((prod (inner-product a fl add multiply p-zero))
    85          (succeeded-p (universal-zerop (subtract (multiply c f) (add prod r p)))))
     85         (succeeded-p (universal-zerop (subtract (multiply f c) (add prod r p)))))
    8686    (unless succeeded-p
    8787      (error "#### Polynomial division Loop invariant failed ####:~%C=~A~%F=~A~%A=~A~%FL=~A~%R=~A~%P=~A~%"
    111111       (when (universal-zerop r) (debug-cgb " ---> 0"))
    112112       ;; We obtained the terms in reverse order, so must fix that
    113        (setf a (mapcar #'poly-nreverse a)
    114              r (poly-nreverse r))
     113       (setf a (mapcar #'poly-reverse a)
     114             r (poly-reverse r))
    115115       ;; Initialize the sugar of the quotients
    116116       ;; (mapc #'poly-reset-sugar a) ;; TODO: Sugar is currently unimplemented
    135135                ;; Multiply the equation c*f=sum ai*fi+r+p by c1.
    136136                (mapl #'(lambda (x)
    137                           (setf (car x) (multiply c1 (car x))))
     137                          (setf (car x) (multiply (car x) c1)))
    138138                      a)
    139                 (setf r (multiply c1 r)
     139                (setf r (multiply r c1)
    140140                      c (multiply c c1)
    141141                      p (grobner-op c2 c1 m p (car fl)))
    142                 (push (change-class m 'term :coeff c2) (poly-termlist (car b))))
     142                (push (change-class m 'term :coeff c2)
     143                      (poly-termlist (car b))))
    143144              t))))
    144145      )))
    176177      (let ((m (divide (leading-monomial p) (leading-monomial g))))
    177178        ;; Multiply the equation c*f=sum ai*fi+r+p by cg.
    178         (setf r (multiply cg r)
     179        (setf r (multiply r cg)
    179180              c (multiply c cg)
    180181              ;; p := cg*p-cp*m*g
    227228      (declare (ignore c))
    228229      (subtract
    229        (multiply cg (multiply mf f))
    230        (multiply cf (multiply mg g))))))
     230       (multiply (multiply mf f) cg)
     231       (multiply (multiply mg g) cf)))))
    232233(defun buchberger-criterion (g)
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