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Changeset 3878 for branches/f4grobner

2016-05-28T21:03:50-07:00 (8 years ago)
Marek Rychlik

* empty log message *

1 edited


  • branches/f4grobner/polynomial.lisp

    r3877 r3878  
    214214  "Return an expression which will efficiently adds/subtracts two
    215215polynomials, P and Q.  The addition/subtraction of coefficients is
    216 performed by calling ADD/SUBTRACT-METHOD-NAME.  If UMINUS-METHOD-NAME
    217 is supplied, it is used to negate the coefficients of Q which do not
    218 have a corresponding coefficient in P. The code implements an
    219 efficient algorithm to add two polynomials represented as sorted lists
    220 of terms. The code destroys both arguments, reusing the terms to build
    221 the result."
     216performed by calling ADD/SUBTRACT-FN.  If UMINUS-FN is supplied, it is
     217used to negate the coefficients of Q which do not have a corresponding
     218coefficient in P. The code implements an efficient algorithm to add
     219two polynomials represented as sorted lists of terms. The code
     220destroys both arguments, reusing the terms to build the result."
    222221  `(macrolet ((lc (x) `(term-coeff (car ,x))))
    223222     (do ((p ,p)
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