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Changeset 2433 for branches/f4grobner

2015-06-19T08:12:04-07:00 (10 years ago)
Marek Rychlik

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1 edited


  • branches/f4grobner/order.lisp

    r2432 r2433  
    4343;; pure lexicographic
    4444(defgeneric lex> (p q &optional start end)
    45   (:method ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension  p)))
     45  (:method ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension  p)))
    4646    "Return T if P>Q with respect to lexicographic order, otherwise NIL.
    4747The second returned value is T if P=Q, otherwise it is NIL."
    5757;; total degree order , ties broken by lexicographic
    5858(defgeneric grlex> (p q &optional start end)
    59   (:method ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension  p)))
     59  (:method ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension  p)))
    6060    "Return T if P>Q with respect to graded lexicographic order, otherwise NIL.
    6161The second returned value is T if P=Q, otherwise it is NIL."
    7373;; reverse lexicographic
    74 (defmethod revlex> ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension  p)))
     74(defgeneric revlex> ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension  p)))
    7575  "Return T if P>Q with respect to reverse lexicographic order, NIL
    7676otherwise.  The second returned value is T if P=Q, otherwise it is
    9191;; total degree, ties broken by reverse lexicographic
    92 (defmethod grevlex> ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension  p)))
     92(defmethod grevlex> ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension  p)))
    9393  "Return T if P>Q with respect to graded reverse lexicographic order,
    9494NIL otherwise. The second returned value is T if P=Q, otherwise it is NIL."
    103103      (revlex> p q start end)))))
    105 (defmethod invlex> ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension  p)))
     105(defmethod invlex> ((p monom) (q monom) &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension  p)))
    106106  "Return T if P>Q with respect to inverse lexicographic order, NIL otherwise
    107107The second returned value is T if P=Q, otherwise it is NIL."
    119119(defun reverse-monomial-order (order)
    120120  "Create the inverse monomial order to the given monomial order ORDER."
    121   #'(lambda (p q &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension q)))
     121  #'(lambda (p q &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension q)))
    122122      (declare (type monom p q) (type fixnum start end))
    123123      (funcall order q p start end)))
    135135i.e. for eliminating the first variable. Thus, the order compares the degrees of the
    136136first variable in P and Q first, with ties broken by SECONDARY-ELIMINATION-ORDER."
    137   #'(lambda (p q &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension p)))
     137  #'(lambda (p q &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension p)))
    138138      (declare (type monom p q) (type fixnum start end))
    139139      (cond
    170170         (make-elimination-order-factory-1 secondary-elimination-order))
    171171        (t
    172          #'(lambda (p q &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension  p)))
     172         #'(lambda (p q &optional (start 0) (end (r-dimension  p)))
    173173             (declare (type monom p q) (type fixnum start end))
    174174             (multiple-value-bind (primary equal)
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