;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Polynomials ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defstruct (poly ;; ;; BOA constructor, by default constructs zero polynomial (:constructor make-poly-from-termlist (termlist &optional (sugar (termlist-sugar termlist)))) (:constructor make-poly-zero (&aux (termlist nil) (sugar -1))) ;; Constructor of polynomials representing a variable (:constructor make-variable (ring nvars pos &optional (power 1) &aux (termlist (list (make-term-variable ring nvars pos power))) (sugar power))) (:constructor poly-unit (ring dimension &aux (termlist (termlist-unit ring dimension)) (sugar 0)))) (termlist nil :type list) (sugar -1 :type fixnum)) ;; Leading term (defmacro poly-lt (p) `(car (poly-termlist ,p))) ;; Second term (defmacro poly-second-lt (p) `(cadar (poly-termlist ,p))) ;; Leading monomial (defun poly-lm (p) (term-monom (poly-lt p))) ;; Second monomial (defun poly-second-lm (p) (term-monom (poly-second-lt p))) ;; Leading coefficient (defun poly-lc (p) (term-coeff (poly-lt p))) ;; Second coefficient (defun poly-second-lc (p) (term-coeff (poly-second-lt p))) ;; Testing for a zero polynomial (defun poly-zerop (p) (null (poly-termlist p))) ;; The number of terms (defun poly-length (p) (length (poly-termlist p))) (defun scalar-times-poly (ring c p) (make-poly-from-termlist (scalar-times-termlist ring c (poly-termlist p)) (poly-sugar p))) ;; The scalar product omitting the head term (defun scalar-times-poly-1 (ring c p) (make-poly-from-termlist (scalar-times-termlist ring c (cdr (poly-termlist p))) (poly-sugar p))) (defun monom-times-poly (m p) (make-poly-from-termlist (monom-times-termlist m (poly-termlist p)) (+ (poly-sugar p) (monom-sugar m)))) (defun term-times-poly (ring term p) (make-poly-from-termlist (term-times-termlist ring term (poly-termlist p)) (+ (poly-sugar p) (term-sugar term)))) (defun poly-add (ring p q) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-add ring (poly-termlist p) (poly-termlist q)) (max (poly-sugar p) (poly-sugar q)))) (defun poly-sub (ring p q) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-sub ring (poly-termlist p) (poly-termlist q)) (max (poly-sugar p) (poly-sugar q)))) (defun poly-uminus (ring p) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-uminus ring (poly-termlist p)) (poly-sugar p))) (defun poly-mul (ring p q) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-mul ring (poly-termlist p) (poly-termlist q)) (+ (poly-sugar p) (poly-sugar q)))) (defun poly-expt (ring p n) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-expt ring (poly-termlist p) n) (* n (poly-sugar p)))) (defun poly-append (&rest plist) (make-poly-from-termlist (apply #'append (mapcar #'poly-termlist plist)) (apply #'max (mapcar #'poly-sugar plist)))) (defun poly-nreverse (p) (setf (poly-termlist p) (nreverse (poly-termlist p))) p) (defun poly-contract (p &optional (k 1)) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-contract (poly-termlist p) k) (poly-sugar p))) (defun poly-extend (p &optional (m (make-monom 1 :initial-element 0))) (make-poly-from-termlist (termlist-extend (poly-termlist p) m) (+ (poly-sugar p) (monom-sugar m)))) (defun poly-add-variables (p k) (setf (poly-termlist p) (termlist-add-variables (poly-termlist p) k)) p) (defun poly-list-add-variables (plist k) (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (poly-add-variables p k)) plist)) (defun poly-standard-extension (plist &aux (k (length plist))) "Calculate [U1*P1,U2*P2,...,UK*PK], where PLIST=[P1,P2,...,PK]." (declare (list plist) (fixnum k)) (labels ((incf-power (g i) (dolist (x (poly-termlist g)) (incf (monom-elt (term-monom x) i))) (incf (poly-sugar g)))) (setf plist (poly-list-add-variables plist k)) (dotimes (i k plist) (incf-power (nth i plist) i)))) (defun saturation-extension (ring f plist &aux (k (length plist)) (d (monom-dimension (poly-lm (car plist))))) "Calculate [F, U1*P1-1,U2*P2-1,...,UK*PK-1], where PLIST=[P1,P2,...,PK]." (setf f (poly-list-add-variables f k) plist (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (setf (poly-termlist x) (nconc (poly-termlist x) (list (make-term (make-monom d :initial-element 0) (funcall (ring-uminus ring) (funcall (ring-unit ring))))))) x) (poly-standard-extension plist))) (append f plist)) (defun polysaturation-extension (ring f plist &aux (k (length plist)) (d (+ k (length (poly-lm (car plist)))))) "Calculate [F, U1*P1+U2*P2+...+UK*PK-1], where PLIST=[P1,P2,...,PK]." (setf f (poly-list-add-variables f k) plist (apply #'poly-append (poly-standard-extension plist)) (cdr (last (poly-termlist plist))) (list (make-term (make-monom d :initial-element 0) (funcall (ring-uminus ring) (funcall (ring-unit ring)))))) (append f (list plist))) (defun saturation-extension-1 (ring f p) (polysaturation-extension ring f (list p))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; Evaluation of polynomial (prefix) expressions ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (defun coerce-coeff (ring expr vars) "Coerce an element of the coefficient ring to a constant polynomial." ;; Modular arithmetic handler by rat (make-poly-from-termlist (list (make-term (make-monom (length vars) :initial-element 0) (funcall (ring-parse ring) expr))) 0)) (defun poly-eval (ring expr vars &optional (list-marker '[)) (labels ((p-eval (arg) (poly-eval ring arg vars)) (p-eval-list (args) (mapcar #'p-eval args)) (p-add (x y) (poly-add ring x y))) (cond ((eql expr 0) (make-poly-zero)) ((member expr vars :test #'equalp) (let ((pos (position expr vars :test #'equalp))) (make-variable ring (length vars) pos))) ((atom expr) (coerce-coeff ring expr vars)) ((eq (car expr) list-marker) (cons list-marker (p-eval-list (cdr expr)))) (t (case (car expr) (+ (reduce #'p-add (p-eval-list (cdr expr)))) (- (case (length expr) (1 (make-poly-zero)) (2 (poly-uminus ring (p-eval (cadr expr)))) (3 (poly-sub ring (p-eval (cadr expr)) (p-eval (caddr expr)))) (otherwise (poly-sub ring (p-eval (cadr expr)) (reduce #'p-add (p-eval-list (cddr expr))))))) (* (if (endp (cddr expr)) ;unary (p-eval (cdr expr)) (reduce #'(lambda (p q) (poly-mul ring p q)) (p-eval-list (cdr expr))))) (expt (cond ((member (cadr expr) vars :test #'equalp) ;;Special handling of (expt var pow) (let ((pos (position (cadr expr) vars :test #'equalp))) (make-variable ring (length vars) pos (caddr expr)))) ((not (and (integerp (caddr expr)) (plusp (caddr expr)))) ;; Negative power means division in coefficient ring ;; Non-integer power means non-polynomial coefficient (coerce-coeff ring expr vars)) (t (poly-expt ring (p-eval (cadr expr)) (caddr expr))))) (otherwise (coerce-coeff ring expr vars)))))))