1 | ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
2 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 | ;;;
4 | ;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2009, 2015 Marek Rychlik <rychlik@u.arizona.edu>
5 | ;;;
6 | ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 | ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 | ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 | ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 | ;;;
11 | ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | ;;;
16 | ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 | ;;;
20 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
21 |
22 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
23 | ;;
24 | ;; Load this file into Maxima to bootstrap the Grobner package.
25 | ;; NOTE: This file does use symbols defined by Maxima, so it
26 | ;; will not work when loaded in Common Lisp.
27 | ;;
28 | ;; DETAILS: This file implements an interface between the Grobner
29 | ;; basis package NGROBNER, which is a pure Common Lisp package, and
30 | ;; Maxima. NGROBNER for efficiency uses its own representation of
31 | ;; polynomials. Thus, it is necessary to convert Maxima representation
32 | ;; to the internal representation and back. The facilities to do so
33 | ;; are implemented in this file.
34 | ;;
35 | ;; Also, since the NGROBNER package consists of many Lisp files, it is
36 | ;; necessary to load the files. It is possible and preferrable to use
37 | ;; ASDF for this purpose. The default is ASDF. It is also possible to
38 | ;; simply used LOAD and COMPILE-FILE to accomplish this task.
39 | ;;
40 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
41 |
42 | (in-package :maxima)
43 |
44 | (macsyma-module cgb-maxima)
45 |
46 |
47 | (eval-when
48 | #+gcl (load eval)
49 | #-gcl (:load-toplevel :execute)
50 | (format t "~&Loading maxima-grobner ~a ~a~%"
51 | "$Revision: 2.0 $" "$Date: 2015/06/02 0:34:17 $"))
52 |
53 | ;;FUNCTS is loaded because it contains the definition of LCM
54 | ($load "functs")
55 | #+sbcl(progn (require 'asdf) (load "ngrobner.asd")(asdf:load-system :ngrobner))
56 |
57 | (use-package :ngrobner)
58 |
59 |
60 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
61 | ;;
62 | ;; Maxima expression ring
63 | ;;
64 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
65 | ;;
66 | ;; This is how we perform operations on coefficients
67 | ;; using Maxima functions.
68 | ;;
69 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
70 |
71 | (defparameter +maxima-ring+
72 | (make-ring
73 | ;;(defun coeff-zerop (expr) (meval1 `(($is) (($equal) ,expr 0))))
74 | :parse #'(lambda (expr)
75 | (when modulus (setf expr ($rat expr)))
76 | expr)
77 | :unit #'(lambda () (if modulus ($rat 1) 1))
78 | :zerop #'(lambda (expr)
79 | ;;When is exactly a maxima expression equal to 0?
80 | (cond ((numberp expr)
81 | (= expr 0))
82 | ((atom expr) nil)
83 | (t
84 | (case (caar expr)
85 | (mrat (eql ($ratdisrep expr) 0))
86 | (otherwise (eql ($totaldisrep expr) 0))))))
87 | :add #'(lambda (x y) (m+ x y))
88 | :sub #'(lambda (x y) (m- x y))
89 | :uminus #'(lambda (x) (m- x))
90 | :mul #'(lambda (x y) (m* x y))
91 | ;;(defun coeff-div (x y) (cadr ($divide x y)))
92 | :div #'(lambda (x y) (m// x y))
93 | :lcm #'(lambda (x y) (meval1 `((|$LCM|) ,x ,y)))
94 | :ezgcd #'(lambda (x y) (apply #'values (cdr ($ezgcd ($totaldisrep x) ($totaldisrep y)))))
95 | ;; :gcd #'(lambda (x y) (second ($ezgcd x y)))))
96 | :gcd #'(lambda (x y) ($gcd x y))))
97 |
98 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
99 | ;;
100 | ;; Maxima expression parsing
101 | ;;
102 | ;;
103 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
104 | ;;
105 | ;; Functions and macros dealing with internal representation
106 | ;; structure.
107 | ;;
108 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
109 |
110 | (defun equal-test-p (expr1 expr2)
111 | (alike1 expr1 expr2))
112 |
113 | (defun coerce-maxima-list (expr)
114 | "Convert a Maxima list to Lisp list."
115 | (cond
116 | ((and (consp (car expr)) (eql (caar expr) 'mlist)) (cdr expr))
117 | (t expr)))
118 |
119 | (defun free-of-vars (expr vars) (apply #'$freeof `(,@vars ,expr)))
120 |
121 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
122 | ;;
123 | ;; Order utilities
124 | ;;
125 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
126 |
127 | (defun find-ring-by-name (ring)
128 | "This function returns the ring structure bases on input symbol."
129 | (cond
130 | ((null ring) nil)
131 | ((symbolp ring)
132 | (case ring
133 | ((maxima-ring :maxima-ring #:maxima-ring $expression_ring #:expression_ring)
134 | +maxima-ring+)
135 | ((ring-of-integers :ring-of-integers #:ring-of-integers $ring_of_integers) +ring-of-integers+)
136 | (otherwise
137 | (mtell "~%Warning: Ring ~M not found. Using default.~%" ring))))
138 | (t
139 | (mtell "~%Ring specification ~M is not recognized. Using default.~%" ring)
140 | nil)))
141 |
142 | (defun find-order-by-name (order)
143 | "This function returns the order function bases on its name."
144 | (cond
145 | ((null order) nil)
146 | ((symbolp order)
147 | (case order
148 | ((lex :lex $lex #:lex)
149 | #'lex>)
150 | ((grlex :grlex $grlex #:grlex)
151 | #'grlex>)
152 | ((grevlex :grevlex $grevlex #:grevlex)
153 | #'grevlex>)
154 | ((invlex :invlex $invlex #:invlex)
155 | #'invlex>)
156 | (otherwise
157 | (mtell "~%Warning: Order ~M not found. Using default.~%" order))))
158 | (t
159 | (mtell "~%Order specification ~M is not recognized. Using default.~%" order)
160 | nil)))
161 |
162 | (defun find-ring-and-order-by-name (&optional
163 | (ring (find-ring-by-name $poly_coefficient_ring))
164 | (order (find-order-by-name $poly_monomial_order))
165 | (primary-elimination-order (find-order-by-name $poly_primary_elimination_order))
166 | (secondary-elimination-order (find-order-by-name $poly_secondary_elimination_order))
167 | &aux
168 | (ring-and-order (make-ring-and-order
169 | :ring ring
170 | :order order
171 | :primary-elimination-order primary-elimination-order
172 | :secondary-elimination-order secondary-elimination-order)))
173 | "Build RING-AND-ORDER structure. The defaults are determined by various Maxima-level switches,
174 | which are names of ring and orders."
175 | ring-and-order)
176 |
177 | (defun maxima->poly (expr vars
178 | &optional
179 | (ring-and-order (find-ring-and-order-by-name))
180 | &aux
181 | (vars (coerce-maxima-list vars))
182 | (ring (ro-ring ring-and-order)))
183 | "Convert a maxima polynomial expression EXPR in variables VARS to
184 | internal form. This works by first converting the expression to Lisp,
185 | and then evaluating the expression using polynomial arithmetic
186 | implemented by the POLYNOMIAL package."
187 | (labels ((parse (arg) (maxima->poly arg vars ring-and-order))
188 | (parse-list (args) (mapcar #'parse args)))
189 | (cond
190 | ((eql expr 0) (make-poly-zero))
191 | ((member expr vars :test #'equal-test-p)
192 | (let ((pos (position expr vars :test #'equal-test-p)))
193 | (make-poly-variable ring (length vars) pos)))
194 | ((free-of-vars expr vars)
195 | ;;This means that variable-free CRE and Poisson forms will be converted
196 | ;;to coefficients intact
197 | (coerce-coeff ring expr vars))
198 | (t
199 | (case (caar expr)
200 | (mplus (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (poly-add ring-and-order x y)) (parse-list (cdr expr))))
201 | (mminus (poly-uminus ring (parse (cadr expr))))
202 | (mtimes
203 | (if (endp (cddr expr)) ;unary
204 | (parse (cdr expr))
205 | (reduce #'(lambda (p q) (poly-mul ring-and-order p q)) (parse-list (cdr expr)))))
206 | (mexpt
207 | (cond
208 | ((member (cadr expr) vars :test #'equal-test-p)
209 | ;;Special handling of (expt var pow)
210 | (let ((pos (position (cadr expr) vars :test #'equal-test-p)))
211 | (make-poly-variable ring (length vars) pos (caddr expr))))
212 | ((not (and (integerp (caddr expr)) (plusp (caddr expr))))
213 | ;; Negative power means division in coefficient ring
214 | ;; Non-integer power means non-polynomial coefficient
215 | (mtell "~%Warning: Expression ~%~M~%contains power which is not a positive integer. Parsing as coefficient.~%"
216 | expr)
217 | (coerce-coeff ring expr vars))
218 | (t (poly-expt ring (parse (cadr expr)) (caddr expr)))))
219 | (mrat (parse ($ratdisrep expr)))
220 | (mpois (parse ($outofpois expr)))
221 | (otherwise
222 | (coerce-coeff ring expr vars)))))))
223 |
224 | (defun maxima->poly-list (expr vars
225 | &optional
226 | (ring-and-order (find-ring-and-order-by-name)))
227 | "Convert a Maxima representation of a list of polynomials to the internal form."
228 | (case (caar expr)
229 | (mlist (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
230 | (maxima->poly p vars ring-and-order))
231 | (cdr expr)))
232 | (otherwise (merror "Expression ~M is not a list of polynomials in variables ~M."
233 | expr vars))))
234 |
235 | (defun maxima->poly-list-of-lists (poly-list-of-lists vars
236 | &optional
237 | (ring-and-order (find-ring-and-order-by-name)))
238 | "Parse a Maxima representation of a list of lists of polynomials."
239 | (mapcar #'(lambda (g) (maxima->poly-list g vars ring-and-order))
240 | (coerce-maxima-list poly-list-of-lists)))
241 |
242 |
243 |
244 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
245 | ;;
246 | ;; Conversion from internal form to Maxima general form
247 | ;;
248 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
249 |
250 | (defun maxima-head ()
251 | (if $poly_return_term_list
252 | '(mlist)
253 | '(mplus)))
254 |
255 | (defun poly->maxima (poly-type object vars)
256 | (case poly-type
257 | (:custom object) ;Bypass processing
258 | (:polynomial
259 | `(,(maxima-head) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (term) (poly->maxima :term term vars)) (poly-termlist object))))
260 | (:poly-list
261 | `((mlist) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (p) ($ratdisrep (poly->maxima :polynomial p vars))) object)))
262 | (:term
263 | `((mtimes) ,($ratdisrep (term-coeff object))
264 | ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (var power) `((mexpt) ,var ,power))
265 | vars (monom->list (term-monom object)))))
266 | ;; Assumes that Lisp and Maxima logicals coincide
267 | (:logical object)
268 | (otherwise
269 | object)))
270 |
271 |
272 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
273 | ;;
274 | ;; Unary and binary operation definition facility
275 | ;;
276 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
277 |
278 | (defmacro define-unop (maxima-name fun-name
279 | &optional (documentation nil documentation-supplied-p))
280 | "Define a MAXIMA-level unary operator MAXIMA-NAME corresponding to unary function FUN-NAME."
281 | `(defun ,maxima-name (p vars
282 | &aux
283 | (vars (coerce-maxima-list vars))
284 | (p (parse-poly p vars)))
285 | ,@(when documentation-supplied-p (list documentation))
286 | (coerce-to-maxima :polynomial (,fun-name +maxima-ring+ p) vars)))
287 |
288 | (defmacro define-binop (maxima-name fun-name
289 | &optional (documentation nil documentation-supplied-p))
290 | "Define a MAXIMA-level binary operator MAXIMA-NAME corresponding to binary function FUN-NAME."
291 | `(defmfun ,maxima-name (p q vars
292 | &aux
293 | (vars (coerce-maxima-list vars))
294 | (p (parse-poly p vars))
295 | (q (parse-poly q vars)))
296 | ,@(when documentation-supplied-p (list documentation))
297 | (coerce-to-maxima :polynomial (,fun-name +maxima-ring+ p q) vars)))
298 |
299 |
300 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
301 | ;;
302 | ;; Facilities for evaluating Grobner package expressions
303 | ;; within a prepared environment
304 | ;;
305 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
306 |
307 | #|
308 | (defmacro with-monomial-order ((order) &body body)
309 | "Evaluate BODY with monomial order set to ORDER."
310 | `(let ((*monomial-order* (or (find-order ,order) *monomial-order*)))
311 | . ,body))
312 |
313 | (defmacro with-coefficient-ring ((ring) &body body)
314 | "Evaluate BODY with coefficient ring set to RING."
315 | `(let ((+maxima-ring+ (or (find-ring ,ring) +maxima-ring+)))
316 | . ,body))
317 |
318 | (defmacro with-ring-and-order ((ring order) &body body)
319 | "Evaluate BODY with monomial order set to ORDER and coefficient ring set to RING."
320 | `(let ((*monomial-order* (or (find-order ,order) *monomial-order*))
321 | (+maxima-ring+ (or (find-ring ,ring) +maxima-ring+)))
322 | . ,body))
323 |
324 | (defmacro with-elimination-orders ((primary secondary elimination-order)
325 | &body body)
326 | "Evaluate BODY with primary and secondary elimination orders set to PRIMARY and SECONDARY."
327 | `(let ((*primary-elimination-order* (or (find-order ,primary) *primary-elimination-order*))
328 | (*secondary-elimination-order* (or (find-order ,secondary) *secondary-elimination-order*))
329 | (*elimination-order* (or (find-order ,elimination-order) *elimination-order*)))
330 | . ,body))
331 |
332 | |#
333 |
334 |
335 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
336 | ;;
337 | ;; Maxima-level interface functions
338 | ;;
339 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
340 |
341 | ;; Auxillary function for removing zero polynomial
342 | (defun remzero (plist) (remove #'poly-zerop plist))
343 |
344 | ;;Simple operators
345 |
346 | #|
347 | (define-binop $poly_add poly-add
348 | "Adds two polynomials P and Q")
349 |
350 | (define-binop $poly_subtract poly-sub
351 | "Subtracts a polynomial Q from P.")
352 |
353 | (define-binop $poly_multiply poly-mul
354 | "Returns the product of polynomials P and Q.")
355 |
356 | (define-binop $poly_s_polynomial spoly
357 | "Returns the syzygy polynomial (S-polynomial) of two polynomials P and Q.")
358 |
359 | (define-unop $poly_primitive_part poly-primitive-part
360 | "Returns the polynomial P divided by GCD of its coefficients.")
361 |
362 | (define-unop $poly_normalize poly-normalize
363 | "Returns the polynomial P divided by the leading coefficient.")
364 | |#
365 |
366 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
367 | ;;
368 | ;; Macro facility for writing Maxima-level wrappers for
369 | ;; functions operating on internal representation
370 | ;;
371 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
372 |
373 | (defmacro with-ring-and-order (((maxima-vars &optional (maxima-new-vars nil new-vars-supplied-p))
374 | &key
375 | (polynomials nil)
376 | (poly-lists nil)
377 | (poly-list-lists nil)
378 | (value-type nil)
379 | (ring-and-order-var 'ring-and-order))
380 | &body
381 | body
382 | &aux
383 | (vars (gensym))
384 | (new-vars (gensym)))
385 | "Evaluate a polynomial expression BODY in an environment
386 | constructred from Maxima switches. The supplied arguments
387 | POLYNOMIALS, POLY-LISTS and POLY-LIST-LISTS should be polynomials,
388 | polynomial lists an lists of lists of polynomials, in Maxima general
389 | form. These are translated to NGROBNER package internal form and
390 | evaluated using operations in the NGROBNER package. The BODY should be
391 | defined in terms of those operations. MAXIMA-VARS is set to the list
392 | of variable names used at the Maxima level. The evaluation is
393 | performed by the NGROBNER package which ignores variable names, thus
394 | MAXIMA-VARS is used only to translate the polynomial expression to
395 | NGROBNER internal form. After evaluation, the value of BODY is
396 | translated back to the Maxima general form. When MAXIMA-NEW-VARS is
397 | present, it is appended to MAXIMA-VARS upon translation from the
398 | internal form back to Maxima general form, thus allowing extra
399 | variables which may have been created by the evaluation process. The
400 | value type can be either :POLYNOMIAL, :POLY-LIST or :TERM, depending
401 | on the form of the result returned by the top NGROBNER operation."
402 | `(let ((,vars (coerce-maxima-list ,maxima-vars))
403 | ,@(when new-vars-supplied-p
404 | (list `(,new-vars (coerce-maxima-list ,maxima-new-vars)))))
405 | (poly->maxima
406 | ,value-type
407 | (let ((,ring-and-order-var ,(find-ring-and-order-by-name)))
408 | (let ,(let ((args nil))
409 | (dolist (p polynomials args)
410 | (setf args (cons `(,p (maxima->poly ,p ,vars ,ring-and-order-var)) args)))
411 | (dolist (p poly-lists args)
412 | (setf args (cons `(,p (maxima->poly-list ,p ,vars ,ring-and-order-var)) args)))
413 | (dolist (p poly-list-lists args)
414 | (setf args (cons `(,p (maxima->poly-list-list ,p ,vars ,ring-and-order-var)) args))))
415 | . ,body))
416 | ,(if new-vars-supplied-p
417 | `(append ,vars ,new-vars)
418 | vars))))
419 |
420 |
421 | ;;Functions
422 |
423 | (defmfun $poly_expand (p vars)
424 | "This function is equivalent to EXPAND(P) if P parses correctly to a polynomial.
425 | If the representation is not compatible with a polynomial in variables VARS,
426 | the result is an error."
427 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (p) :value-type :polynomial) p))
428 |
429 |
430 | (defmfun $poly_expt (p n vars)
431 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (p) :value-type :polynomial)
432 | (poly-expt ring-and-order p n)))
433 |
434 | (defmfun $poly_content (p vars)
435 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (p))
436 | (poly-content ring-and-order p)))
437 |
438 | #|
439 | (defmfun $poly_pseudo_divide (f fl vars)
440 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars)
441 | :polynomials (f)
442 | :poly-lists (fl)
443 | :value-type :custom)
444 | (multiple-value-bind (quot rem c division-count)
445 | (poly-pseudo-divide ring-and-order f fl)
446 | `((mlist)
447 | ,(poly->maxima :poly-list quot vars)
448 | ,(poly->maxima :polynomial rem vars)
449 | ,c
450 | ,division-count))))
451 | |#
452 |
453 |
454 | (defmfun $poly_exact_divide (f g vars)
455 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (f g) :value-type :polynomial)
456 | (poly-exact-divide ring-and-order f g)))
457 |
458 | (defmfun $poly_normal_form (f fl vars)
459 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (f)
460 | :poly-lists (fl)
461 | :value-type :polynomial)
462 | (normal-form ring-and-order f (remzero fl) nil)))
463 |
464 | (defmfun $poly_buchberger_criterion (g vars)
465 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (g) :value-type :logical)
466 | (buchberger-criterion ring-and-order g)))
467 |
468 | (defmfun $poly_buchberger (fl vars)
469 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (fl) :value-type :poly-list)
470 | (buchberger ring-and-order (remzero fl) 0 nil)))
471 |
472 | (defmfun $poly_reduction (plist vars)
473 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (plist)
474 | :value-type :poly-list)
475 | (reduction ring-and-order plist)))
476 |
477 | (defmfun $poly_minimization (plist vars)
478 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (plist)
479 | :value-type :poly-list)
480 | (minimization plist)))
481 |
482 | (defmfun $poly_normalize_list (plist vars)
483 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (plist)
484 | :value-type :poly-list)
485 | (poly-normalize-list ring-and-order plist)))
486 |
487 | (defmfun $poly_grobner (f vars)
488 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f)
489 | :value-type :poly-list)
490 | (grobner ring-and-order (remzero f))))
491 |
492 | (defmfun $poly_reduced_grobner (f vars)
493 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f)
494 | :value-type :poly-list)
495 | (reduced-grobner ring-and-order (remzero f))))
496 |
497 | (defmfun $poly_depends_p (p var mvars
498 | &aux (vars (coerce-maxima-list mvars))
499 | (pos (position var vars)))
500 | (if (null pos)
501 | (merror "~%Variable ~M not in the list of variables ~M." var mvars)
502 | (poly-depends-p (parse-poly p vars) pos)))
503 |
504 | (defmfun $poly_elimination_ideal (flist k vars)
505 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (flist)
506 | :value-type :poly-list)
507 | (elimination-ideal ring-and-order flist k nil 0)))
508 |
509 | (defmfun $poly_colon_ideal (f g vars)
510 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f g) :value-type :poly-list)
511 | (colon-ideal ring-and-order f g nil)))
512 |
513 | (defmfun $poly_ideal_intersection (f g vars)
514 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f g) :value-type :poly-list)
515 | (ideal-intersection ring-and-order f g nil)))
516 |
517 | (defmfun $poly_lcm (f g vars)
518 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (f g) :value-type :polynomial)
519 | (poly-lcm ring-and-order f g)))
520 |
521 | (defmfun $poly_gcd (f g vars)
522 | ($first ($divide (m* f g) ($poly_lcm f g vars))))
523 |
524 | (defmfun $poly_grobner_equal (g1 g2 vars)
525 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (g1 g2))
526 | (grobner-equal ring-and-order g1 g2)))
527 |
528 | (defmfun $poly_grobner_subsetp (g1 g2 vars)
529 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (g1 g2))
530 | (grobner-subsetp ring-and-order g1 g2)))
531 |
532 | (defmfun $poly_grobner_member (p g vars)
533 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (p) :poly-lists (g))
534 | (grobner-member ring-and-order p g)))
535 |
536 | (defmfun $poly_ideal_saturation1 (f p vars)
537 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f) :polynomials (p)
538 | :value-type :poly-list)
539 | (ideal-saturation-1 ring-and-order f p 0)))
540 |
541 | (defmfun $poly_saturation_extension (f plist vars new-vars)
542 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars new-vars)
543 | :poly-lists (f plist)
544 | :value-type :poly-list)
545 | (saturation-extension ring-and-order f plist)))
546 |
547 | (defmfun $poly_polysaturation_extension (f plist vars new-vars)
548 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars new-vars)
549 | :poly-lists (f plist)
550 | :value-type :poly-list)
551 | (polysaturation-extension ring-and-order f plist)))
552 |
553 | (defmfun $poly_ideal_polysaturation1 (f plist vars)
554 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f plist)
555 | :value-type :poly-list)
556 | (ideal-polysaturation-1 ring-and-order f plist 0 nil)))
557 |
558 | (defmfun $poly_ideal_saturation (f g vars)
559 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f g)
560 | :value-type :poly-list)
561 | (ideal-saturation ring-and-order f g 0 nil)))
562 |
563 | (defmfun $poly_ideal_polysaturation (f ideal-list vars)
564 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :poly-lists (f)
565 | :poly-list-lists (ideal-list)
566 | :value-type :poly-list)
567 | (ideal-polysaturation ring-and-order f ideal-list 0 nil)))
568 |
569 | (defmfun $poly_lt (f vars)
570 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (f) :value-type :polynomial)
571 | (make-poly-from-termlist (list (poly-lt f)))))
572 |
573 | (defmfun $poly_lm (f vars)
574 | (with-ring-and-order ((vars) :polynomials (f) :value-type :polynomial)
575 | (make-poly-from-termlist (list (make-term (poly-lm f) (funcall (ring-unit ring-and-order)))))))
576 |