1 | ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*-
2 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 | ;;;
4 | ;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2009, 2015 Marek Rychlik <rychlik@u.arizona.edu>
5 | ;;;
6 | ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 | ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 | ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 | ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 | ;;;
11 | ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | ;;;
16 | ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 | ;;;
20 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
21 |
22 | ;;----------------------------------------------------------------
23 | ;; This package implements BASIC OPERATIONS ON MONOMIALS
24 | ;;----------------------------------------------------------------
25 | ;; DATA STRUCTURES: Conceptually, monomials can be represented as lists:
26 | ;;
27 | ;; monom: (n1 n2 ... nk) where ni are non-negative integers
28 | ;;
29 | ;; However, lists may be implemented as other sequence types,
30 | ;; so the flexibility to change the representation should be
31 | ;; maintained in the code to use general operations on sequences
32 | ;; whenever possible. The optimization for the actual representation
33 | ;; should be left to declarations and the compiler.
34 | ;;----------------------------------------------------------------
35 | ;; EXAMPLES: Suppose that variables are x and y. Then
36 | ;;
37 | ;; Monom x*y^2 ---> #(1 2)
38 | ;;
39 | ;;----------------------------------------------------------------
40 |
41 | (defpackage "MONOMIAL"
42 | (:use :cl)
43 | (:export "MONOM"
46 | "MONOM-ELT"
50 | "MONOM-DIV"
51 | "MONOM-MUL"
59 | "MONOM-LCM"
60 | "MONOM-GCD"
62 | "MONOM-MAP"
66 |
67 | (in-package :monomial)
68 |
69 | (deftype exponent ()
70 | "Type of exponent in a monomial."
71 | 'fixnum)
72 |
73 | (deftype monom (&optional dim)
74 | "Type of monomial."
75 | `(simple-array exponent (,dim)))
76 |
77 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
78 | ;;
79 | ;; Construction of monomials
80 | ;;
81 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
82 |
83 | (defmacro make-monom (dim &key (initial-contents nil initial-contents-supplied-p)
84 | (initial-element 0 initial-element-supplied-p))
85 | "Make a monomial with DIM variables. Additional argument
86 | INITIAL-CONTENTS specifies the list of powers of the consecutive
87 | variables. The alternative additional argument INITIAL-ELEMENT
88 | specifies the common power for all variables."
89 | ;;(declare (fixnum dim))
90 | `(make-array ,dim
91 | :element-type 'exponent
92 | ,@(when initial-contents-supplied-p `(:initial-contents ,initial-contents))
93 | ,@(when initial-element-supplied-p `(:initial-element ,initial-element))))
94 |
95 |
96 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
97 | ;;
98 | ;; Operations on monomials
99 | ;;
100 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
101 |
102 | (defmacro monom-elt (m index)
103 | "Return the power in the monomial M of variable number INDEX."
104 | `(elt ,m ,index))
105 |
106 | (defun monom-dimension (m)
107 | "Return the number of variables in the monomial M."
108 | (length m))
109 |
110 | (defun monom-total-degree (m &optional (start 0) (end (length m)))
111 | "Return the todal degree of a monomoal M. Optinally, a range
112 | of variables may be specified with arguments START and END."
113 | (declare (type monom m) (fixnum start end))
114 | (reduce #'+ m :start start :end end))
115 |
116 | (defun monom-sugar (m &aux (start 0) (end (length m)))
117 | "Return the sugar of a monomial M. Optinally, a range
118 | of variables may be specified with arguments START and END."
119 | (declare (type monom m) (fixnum start end))
120 | (monom-total-degree m start end))
121 |
122 | (defun monom-div (m1 m2 &aux (result (copy-seq m1)))
123 | "Divide monomial M1 by monomial M2."
124 | (declare (type monom m1 m2 result))
125 | (map-into result #'- m1 m2))
126 |
127 | (defun monom-mul (m1 m2 &aux (result (copy-seq m1)))
128 | "Multiply monomial M1 by monomial M2."
129 | (declare (type monom m1 m2 result))
130 | (map-into result #'+ m1 m2))
131 |
132 | (defun monom-divides-p (m1 m2)
133 | "Returns T if monomial M1 divides monomial M2, NIL otherwise."
134 | (declare (type monom m1 m2))
135 | (every #'<= m1 m2))
136 |
137 | (defun monom-divides-monom-lcm-p (m1 m2 m3)
138 | "Returns T if monomial M1 divides MONOM-LCM(M2,M3), NIL otherwise."
139 | (declare (type monom m1 m2 m3))
140 | (every #'(lambda (x y z) (declare (type exponent x y z)) (<= x (max y z))) m1 m2 m3))
141 |
142 | (defun monom-lcm-divides-monom-lcm-p (m1 m2 m3 m4)
143 | "Returns T if monomial MONOM-LCM(M1,M2) divides MONOM-LCM(M3,M4), NIL otherwise."
144 | (declare (type monom m1 m2 m3 m4))
145 | (every #'(lambda (x y z w) (declare (type exponent x y z w)) (<= (max x y) (max z w))) m1 m2 m3 m4))
146 |
147 | (defun monom-lcm-equal-monom-lcm-p (m1 m2 m3 m4)
148 | "Returns T if monomial MONOM-LCM(M1,M2) equals MONOM-LCM(M3,M4), NIL otherwise."
149 | (declare (type monom m1 m2 m3 m4))
150 | (every #'(lambda (x y z w) (declare (type exponent x y z w)) (= (max x y) (max z w))) m1 m2 m3 m4))
151 |
152 | (defun monom-divisible-by-p (m1 m2)
153 | "Returns T if monomial M1 is divisible by monomial M2, NIL otherwise."
154 | (declare (type monom m1 m2))
155 | (every #'>= m1 m2))
156 |
157 | (defun monom-rel-prime-p (m1 m2)
158 | "Returns T if two monomials M1 and M2 are relatively prime (disjoint)."
159 | (declare (type monom m1 m2))
160 | (every #'(lambda (x y) (declare (type exponent x y)) (zerop (min x y))) m1 m2))
161 |
162 | (defun monom-equal-p (m1 m2)
163 | "Returns T if two monomials M1 and M2 are equal."
164 | (declare (type monom m1 m2))
165 | (every #'= m1 m2))
166 |
167 | (defun monom-lcm (m1 m2 &aux (result (copy-seq m1)))
168 | "Returns least common multiple of monomials M1 and M2."
169 | (declare (type monom m1 m2))
170 | (map-into result #'max m1 m2))
171 |
172 | (defun monom-gcd (m1 m2 &aux (result (copy-seq m1)))
173 | "Returns greatest common divisor of monomials M1 and M2."
174 | (declare (type monom m1 m2))
175 | (map-into result #'min m1 m2))
176 |
177 | (defun monom-depends-p (m k)
178 | "Return T if the monomial M depends on variable number K."
179 | (declare (type monom m) (fixnum k))
180 | (plusp (elt m k)))
181 |
182 | (defmacro monom-map (fun m &rest ml &aux (result `(copy-seq ,m)))
183 | `(map-into ,result ,fun ,m ,@ml))
184 |
185 | (defmacro monom-append (m1 m2)
186 | `(concatenate 'monom ,m1 ,m2))
187 |
188 | (defmacro monom-contract (k m)
189 | `(subseq ,m ,k))
190 |
191 | (defun monom-exponents (m)
192 | (declare (type monom m))
193 | (coerce m 'list))