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source: branches/f4grobner/monom.lisp@ 3333

Last change on this file since 3333 was 3331, checked in by Marek Rychlik, 9 years ago

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[1201]1;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
4;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2009, 2015 Marek Rychlik <>
6;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9;;; (at your option) any later version.
11;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
16;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
[1610]22(defpackage "MONOM"
[2025]23 (:use :cl :ring)
[422]24 (:export "MONOM"
[423]25 "EXPONENT"
29 (:documentation
30 "This package implements basic operations on monomials.
31DATA STRUCTURES: Conceptually, monomials can be represented as lists:
[2524]33 monom: (n1 n2 ... nk) where ni are non-negative integers
35However, lists may be implemented as other sequence types, so the
36flexibility to change the representation should be maintained in the
37code to use general operations on sequences whenever possible. The
38optimization for the actual representation should be left to
39declarations and the compiler.
41EXAMPLES: Suppose that variables are x and y. Then
43 Monom x*y^2 ---> (1 2) "))
[1610]45(in-package :monom)
[1925]47(proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
[48]49(deftype exponent ()
50 "Type of exponent in a monomial."
51 'fixnum)
[2022]53(defclass monom ()
[3312]54 ((exponents :initarg :exponents :accessor monom-exponents
[3054]55 :documentation "The powers of the variables."))
[3289]56 ;; default-initargs are not needed, they are handled by SHARED-INITIALIZE
57 ;;(:default-initargs :dimension 'foo :exponents 'bar :exponent 'baz)
[2779]58 (:documentation
59 "Implements a monomial, i.e. a product of powers
60of variables, like X*Y^2."))
[2245]62(defmethod print-object ((self monom) stream)
[3196]63 (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t :identity t)
[3313]64 (with-accessors ((exponents monom-exponents))
[3216]65 self
[3313]66 (format stream "EXPONENTS=~A"
67 exponents))))
[3299]69(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self monom)
[3297]70 &key
71 (dimension 0 dimension-supplied-p)
72 (exponents nil exponents-supplied-p)
[3318]73 (exponent 0)
[3297]74 &allow-other-keys
[2390]75 )
[3329]76 "The following INITIALIZE-INSTANCE method allows instance initialization
77of a MONOM in a style similar to MAKE-ARRAY, e.g.:
79 (MAKE-INSTANCE :EXPONENTS '(1 2 3)) --> #<MONOM EXPONENTS=#(1 2 3)>
83If both DIMENSION and EXPONENTS are supplied, they must be compatible,
84i.e. the length of EXPONENTS must be equal DIMENSION. If EXPONENTS
85is not supplied, a monom with repeated value EXPONENT is created.
86By default EXPONENT is 0, which results in a constant monomial.
[3315]88 (cond
89 (exponents-supplied-p
[3327]90 (when (and dimension-supplied-p
91 (/= dimension (length exponents)))
92 (error "EXPONENTS (~A) must have supplied length DIMENSION (~A)"
93 exponents dimension))
[3315]94 (let ((dim (length exponents)))
95 (setf (slot-value self 'exponents) (make-array dim :initial-contents exponents))))
[3321]96 (dimension-supplied-p
[3315]97 ;; when all exponents are to be identical
[3321]98 (setf (slot-value self 'exponents) (make-array (list dimension)
99 :initial-element exponent
100 :element-type 'exponent)))
101 (t
102 (error "Initarg DIMENSION or EXPONENTS must be supplied."))))
[3331]104(defmacro monom-dimension (m)
105 `(length (monom-exponents ,m)))
[2850]107(defmethod r-equalp ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[2778]108 "Returns T iff monomials M1 and M2 have identical
[2779]110 (equalp (monom-exponents m1) (monom-exponents m2)))
[2398]112(defmethod r-coeff ((m monom))
113 "A MONOM can be treated as a special case of TERM,
114where the coefficient is 1."
115 1)
[2143]117(defmethod r-elt ((m monom) index)
[48]118 "Return the power in the monomial M of variable number INDEX."
[2023]119 (with-slots (exponents)
120 m
[2154]121 (elt exponents index)))
[2160]123(defmethod (setf r-elt) (new-value (m monom) index)
[2023]124 "Return the power in the monomial M of variable number INDEX."
125 (with-slots (exponents)
126 m
[2154]127 (setf (elt exponents index) new-value)))
[2779]129(defmethod r-total-degree ((m monom) &optional (start 0) (end (monom-dimension m)))
[48]130 "Return the todal degree of a monomoal M. Optinally, a range
131of variables may be specified with arguments START and END."
[2023]132 (declare (type fixnum start end))
133 (with-slots (exponents)
134 m
[2154]135 (reduce #'+ exponents :start start :end end)))
[2779]138(defmethod r-sugar ((m monom) &aux (start 0) (end (monom-dimension m)))
[48]139 "Return the sugar of a monomial M. Optinally, a range
140of variables may be specified with arguments START and END."
[2032]141 (declare (type fixnum start end))
[2155]142 (r-total-degree m start end))
[2478]144(defmethod multiply-by ((self monom) (other monom))
[3322]145 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2478]146 self
[3322]147 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2478]148 other
[3322]149 (unless (= (length exponents1) (length exponents2))
150 (error "Incompatible dimensions"))
[2811]151 (map-into exponents1 #'+ exponents1 exponents2)))
[2480]152 self)
[2818]154(defmethod divide-by ((self monom) (other monom))
[3322]155 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2818]156 self
[3322]157 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2818]158 other
[3322]159 (unless (= (length exponents1) (length exponents2))
160 (error "Incompatible dimensions"))
[2818]161 (map-into exponents1 #'- exponents1 exponents2)))
162 self)
[3004]164(defmethod copy-instance :around ((object monom) &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
[3018]165 "An :AROUNT method for COPY-INSTANCE. The primary method is a shallow copy,
166 while for monomials we typically need a fresh copy of the
167 exponents."
[3004]168 (declare (ignore object initargs))
[3002]169 (let ((copy (call-next-method)))
[3003]170 (setf (monom-exponents copy) (copy-seq (monom-exponents copy)))
[3002]171 copy))
[2816]173(defmethod r* ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
174 "Non-destructively multiply monomial M1 by M2."
[3032]175 (multiply-by (copy-instance m1) (copy-instance m2)))
[2144]177(defmethod r/ ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[2819]178 "Non-destructively divide monomial M1 by monomial M2."
[3032]179 (divide-by (copy-instance m1) (copy-instance m2)))
[2144]181(defmethod r-divides-p ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[48]182 "Returns T if monomial M1 divides monomial M2, NIL otherwise."
[2039]183 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
184 m1
185 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
186 m2
187 (every #'<= exponents1 exponents2))))
[2144]190(defmethod r-divides-lcm-p ((m1 monom) (m2 monom) (m3 monom))
[2055]191 "Returns T if monomial M1 divides LCM(M2,M3), NIL otherwise."
[875]192 (every #'(lambda (x y z) (<= x (max y z)))
[869]193 m1 m2 m3))
[2144]196(defmethod r-lcm-divides-lcm-p ((m1 monom) (m2 monom) (m3 monom) (m4 monom))
[48]197 "Returns T if monomial MONOM-LCM(M1,M2) divides MONOM-LCM(M3,M4), NIL otherwise."
[1890]198 (declare (type monom m1 m2 m3 m4))
[869]199 (every #'(lambda (x y z w) (<= (max x y) (max z w)))
200 m1 m2 m3 m4))
[2144]202(defmethod r-lcm-equal-lcm-p (m1 m2 m3 m4)
[2075]203 "Returns T if monomial LCM(M1,M2) equals LCM(M3,M4), NIL otherwise."
[2171]204 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2076]205 m1
[2171]206 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2076]207 m2
[2171]208 (with-slots ((exponents3 exponents))
[2076]209 m3
[2171]210 (with-slots ((exponents4 exponents))
[2076]211 m4
[2077]212 (every
213 #'(lambda (x y z w) (= (max x y) (max z w)))
214 exponents1 exponents2 exponents3 exponents4))))))
[2144]216(defmethod r-divisible-by-p ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[48]217 "Returns T if monomial M1 is divisible by monomial M2, NIL otherwise."
[2171]218 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2144]219 m1
[2171]220 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2144]221 m2
222 (every #'>= exponents1 exponents2))))
[2146]224(defmethod r-rel-prime-p ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[48]225 "Returns T if two monomials M1 and M2 are relatively prime (disjoint)."
[2171]226 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2078]227 m1
[2171]228 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2078]229 m2
[2154]230 (every #'(lambda (x y) (zerop (min x y))) exponents1 exponents2))))
[2146]233(defmethod r-lcm ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[48]234 "Returns least common multiple of monomials M1 and M2."
[3322]235 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2082]236 m1
[2171]237 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2082]238 m2
[3324]239 (let* ((exponents (copy-seq exponents1)))
[2082]240 (map-into exponents #'max exponents1 exponents2)
[3322]241 (make-instance 'monom :exponents exponents)))))
[2146]244(defmethod r-gcd ((m1 monom) (m2 monom))
[48]245 "Returns greatest common divisor of monomials M1 and M2."
[3322]246 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[2082]247 m1
[2171]248 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[2082]249 m2
[3322]250 (let* ((exponents (copy-seq exponents1)))
[2082]251 (map-into exponents #'min exponents1 exponents2)
[3322]252 (make-instance 'monom :exponents exponents)))))
[2146]254(defmethod r-depends-p ((m monom) k)
[48]255 "Return T if the monomial M depends on variable number K."
[2083]256 (declare (type fixnum k))
257 (with-slots (exponents)
258 m
[2154]259 (plusp (elt exponents k))))
[3020]261(defmethod left-tensor-product-by ((self monom) (other monom))
[3323]262 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[3020]263 self
[3323]264 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[3020]265 other
[3323]266 (setf exponents1 (concatenate 'vector exponents2 exponents1))))
[3036]267 self)
[3026]269(defmethod right-tensor-product-by ((self monom) (other monom))
[3323]270 (with-slots ((exponents1 exponents))
[3026]271 self
[3323]272 (with-slots ((exponents2 exponents))
[3026]273 other
[3323]274 (setf exponents1 (concatenate 'vector exponents1 exponents2))))
[3036]275 self)
[3039]277(defmethod left-contract ((self monom) k)
[1638]278 "Drop the first K variables in monomial M."
[2085]279 (declare (fixnum k))
[3323]280 (with-slots (exponents)
[3040]281 self
[3323]282 (setf exponents (subseq exponents k)))
[3039]283 self)
285(defun make-monom-variable (nvars pos &optional (power 1)
[2218]286 &aux (m (make-instance 'monom :dimension nvars)))
[886]287 "Construct a monomial in the polynomial ring
288RING[X[0],X[1],X[2],...X[NVARS-1]] over the (unspecified) ring RING
289which represents a single variable. It assumes number of variables
290NVARS and the variable is at position POS. Optionally, the variable
291may appear raised to power POWER. "
[1924]292 (declare (type fixnum nvars pos power) (type monom m))
[2089]293 (with-slots (exponents)
294 m
[2154]295 (setf (elt exponents pos) power)
[2089]296 m))
[2150]298(defmethod r->list ((m monom))
[1152]299 "A human-readable representation of a monomial M as a list of exponents."
[2779]300 (coerce (monom-exponents m) 'list))
[2783]302(defmethod r-dimension ((self monom))
303 (monom-dimension self))
[2780]305(defmethod r-exponents ((self monom))
306 (monom-exponents self))
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