1 | ;;; -*- Mode: Lisp -*-
2 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
3 | ;;;
4 | ;;; Copyright (C) 1999, 2002, 2009, 2015 Marek Rychlik <rychlik@u.arizona.edu>
5 | ;;;
6 | ;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 | ;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 | ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9 | ;;; (at your option) any later version.
10 | ;;;
11 | ;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 | ;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 | ;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
15 | ;;;
16 | ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 | ;;; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 | ;;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
19 | ;;;
20 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
21 |
22 | (defpackage "INFIX-PRINTER"
23 | (:use "COMMON-LISP"
24 | "INFIX" ;for operator-lessp
25 | )
26 | (:export infix-print infix-print-to-string infix-print-to-stream))
27 |
28 | (in-package "INFIX-PRINTER")
29 |
30 | (proclaim '(optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
31 |
32 | (defun find-alt-op (op)
33 | "Find ALT-OP, used for arguments above 1. Example:
34 | We should have
35 | (+ X (- Y) Z) --> X - Y + Z
36 | so when an argument of an expression with operator '+ has an operator '-, we
37 | should use '- as a separator, before we render Y. Thus ALT-OP for '+ is '-"
38 | (ecase op
39 | (+ '-)
40 | (- '-)
41 | (* '/)
42 | (/ '/)))
43 |
44 | (defun inverse-op (op)
45 | (ecase op
46 | (+ '-)
47 | (- '+)
48 | (* '/)
49 | (/ '*)))
50 |
51 | (defun infix-print-separated-list (lst sep stream op print-level
52 | &optional
53 | (alt-op nil)
54 | &aux
55 | (beg t)
56 | (count 0)
57 | true-sep
58 | more-args)
59 | "Print a list LST using SEP as separator, to stream STREAM. Every
60 | argument is printed usin OP as main operator. PRINT-LEVEL is used to
61 | control printing nested expressions as expected: subexpressions at
62 | level exceeding PRINT-LEVEL are printed as ellipsis. The argument BEG
63 | indicates whether this is the start of a sequence of arguments with
64 | the main operator OP. The argument ALT-OP, if not NIL, replaces
65 | operator OP for list elements beyond the first one."
66 |
67 | (cond
68 | ((endp lst) nil)
69 |
70 | ;; Handle *print-level*
71 | ((and (numberp *print-level*)
72 | (> print-level *print-level*))
73 | (format stream "#"))
74 |
75 | (t
76 | (dolist (arg lst)
77 | (setf true-sep sep)
78 | (incf count)
79 |
80 | ;; Treat negative number X as '(- (- X))
81 | (when (and (realp arg) (minusp arg))
82 | (setf arg (list '- (- arg))))
83 |
84 | ;; The following code handles unary minus
85 | ;; Thus:
86 | ;; (+ x (- y z)) --> X + Y - Z
87 | ;; (+ x (- y)) --> X - Y
88 | ;; (- x (- y)) --> X + Y
89 | (when (and alt-op
90 | (> count 1)
91 | (consp arg)
92 | (eq alt-op (car arg)))
93 | (psetf arg (cadr arg)
94 | more-args (cddr arg))
95 | (cond ((endp more-args)
96 | (setf true-sep (if (eq op alt-op) (inverse-op op) alt-op)))))
97 |
98 |
99 | ;; Unless at the beginning, print the separator
100 | (cond
101 | (beg
102 | (setf beg nil))
103 | (t
104 | (format stream "~a" true-sep)))
105 |
106 | ;; If *print-length* exceeded, print ellipsis
107 | (when (and (numberp *print-length*) (> count *print-length*))
108 | (format stream "...")
109 | (return-from infix-print-separated-list (values)))
110 |
111 | (infix-print-to-stream arg stream op print-level)
112 |
113 | ;; Print remaining arguments
114 | (unless (endp more-args)
115 | (let ((x-op (inverse-op op)))
116 | (format stream "~a" x-op)
117 | (infix-print-separated-list more-args x-op stream sep print-level x-op)))
118 | )))
119 | (values))
120 |
121 | (defun infix-print-arg-list (lst stream print-level)
122 | "Print a comma-separated list."
123 | (infix-print-separated-list lst '\, stream '\, print-level))
124 |
125 | (defun infix-print-to-stream (expr &optional (stream t) (op nil) (print-level 0))
126 | "Print an expression EXPR in infix notation to stream STREAM.
127 | If OP is not nil, the expression is parenthesized if its operator
128 | has lower precedence than OP. Returns (VALUES)."
129 | (cond
130 | ;; Handle *print-level*
131 | ((and (numberp *print-level*)
132 | (> print-level *print-level*))
133 | (format stream "#"))
134 |
135 | ;; Null expression is an error
136 | ((null expr)
137 | (error "Null expression."))
138 |
139 | ;; Atoms are printed using ~A format directive
140 | ((atom expr)
141 | (format stream "~a" expr))
142 |
143 | ;; Check if the operator of this expression has lower precedence
144 | ;; than the surrounding operator, and parenthesize if necessary
145 | ((and op
146 | (operator-lessp (car expr) op))
147 | (format stream "(")
148 | (infix-print expr stream nil (1+ print-level))
149 | (format stream ")")
150 | )
151 |
152 | ;; Unary minus needs special handling
153 | ((and (eq (car expr) '-) (endp (cddr expr)))
154 | (format stream "-")
155 |
156 | ;; Print the second element in product context
157 | (infix-print (cadr expr) stream '* (1+ print-level)))
158 |
159 | ;; All other operators
160 | (t
161 | (case (car expr)
162 |
163 | ;; Arithmetic operators
164 | ((+ - * /)
165 |
166 | (let ((op (car expr))
167 | (args (cdr expr)))
168 | (infix-print-separated-list
169 | args op stream op
170 | (1+ print-level)
171 | (find-alt-op op))
172 | )
173 | )
174 |
175 | ;; Exponentials
176 | (expt
177 | (unless (= (length (cdr expr)) 2)
178 | (error "expt must take 2 arguments."))
179 | (infix-print-separated-list
180 | (cdr expr)
181 | '^
182 | stream
183 | '^
184 | (1+ print-level)))
185 |
186 | ;; Assuming function call
187 | (otherwise
188 | (cond
189 |
190 | ;; Handle array references
191 | ((eq (car expr) 'aref)
192 | ;; Special syntax for subscripted variables
193 | ;; consistent with the infix package.
194 | (format stream "~a[" (cadr expr))
195 | (infix-print-separated-list (cddr expr) '\, stream '\, (1+ print-level))
196 | (format stream "]"))
197 |
198 | ;; Handle lists
199 | ((and (symbolp (car expr))
200 | (string= (symbol-name (car expr)) "["))
201 | (format stream "[")
202 | (infix-print-separated-list (cdr expr) '\, stream '\, (1+ print-level))
203 | (format stream "]"))
204 |
205 | ;; Handle generic function call syntax
206 | (t
207 | (format stream "~a(" (car expr))
208 | (infix-print-arg-list (cdr expr) stream (1+ print-level))
209 | (format stream ")")))))))
210 | (values))
211 |
212 | (defun infix-print-to-string (expr &optional (op nil) (print-level 0)
213 | &aux (fstr (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char
214 | :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
215 | "Print an expression EXPR in infix notation to a string. If OP is
216 | not nil, the expression is parenthesized if its operator has lower
217 | precedence than OP. Returns the string containing the printed
218 | expression."
219 | (with-output-to-string (s fstr)
220 | (infix-print-to-stream expr s op print-level))
221 | fstr)
222 |
223 | (defun infix-print (expr &optional (stream t) (op nil) (print-level 0))
224 | "Print an expression EXPR in infix notation to stream STREAM or to
225 | string if (NULL STREAM). If OP is not nil, the expression is
226 | parenthesized if its operator has lower precedence than OP. Returns
227 | the string containing the printed expression, or (VALUES) if (NULL
228 | STREAM) is true."
229 | (cond
230 | ((null stream)
231 | (infix-print-to-string expr op print-level))
232 | (t (infix-print-to-stream expr stream op print-level))))