1 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 | ;;
3 | ;; Operations in ideal theory
4 | ;;
5 | ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
6 |
7 | ;; Does the term depend on variable K?
8 | (defun term-depends-p (term k)
9 | "Return T if the term TERM depends on variable number K."
10 | (monom-depends-p (term-monom term) k))
11 |
12 | ;; Does the polynomial P depend on variable K?
13 | (defun poly-depends-p (p k)
14 | "Return T if the term polynomial P depends on variable number K."
15 | (some #'(lambda (term) (term-depends-p term k)) (poly-termlist p)))
16 |
17 | (defun ring-intersection (plist k)
18 | "This function assumes that polynomial list PLIST is a Grobner basis
19 | and it calculates the intersection with the ring R[x[k+1],...,x[n]], i.e.
20 | it discards polynomials which depend on variables x[0], x[1], ..., x[k]."
21 | (dotimes (i k plist)
22 | (setf plist
23 | (remove-if #'(lambda (p)
24 | (poly-depends-p p i))
25 | plist))))
26 |
27 | (defun elimination-ideal (ring flist k
28 | &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only) (start 0)
29 | &aux (*monomial-order*
30 | (or *elimination-order*
31 | (elimination-order k))))
32 | (ring-intersection (reduced-grobner ring flist start top-reduction-only) k))
33 |
34 | (defun colon-ideal (ring f g &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only))
35 | "Returns the reduced Grobner basis of the colon ideal Id(F):Id(G),
36 | where F and G are two lists of polynomials. The colon ideal I:J is
37 | defined as the set of polynomials H such that for all polynomials W in
38 | J the polynomial W*H belongs to I."
39 | (cond
40 | ((endp g)
41 | ;;Id(G) consists of 0 only so W*0=0 belongs to Id(F)
42 | (if (every #'poly-zerop f)
43 | (error "First ideal must be non-zero.")
44 | (list (make-poly
45 | (list (make-term
46 | (make-monom (monom-dimension (poly-lm (find-if-not #'poly-zerop f)))
47 | :initial-element 0)
48 | (funcall (ring-unit ring))))))))
49 | ((endp (cdr g))
50 | (colon-ideal-1 ring f (car g) top-reduction-only))
51 | (t
52 | (ideal-intersection ring
53 | (colon-ideal-1 ring f (car g) top-reduction-only)
54 | (colon-ideal ring f (rest g) top-reduction-only)
55 | top-reduction-only))))
56 |
57 | (defun colon-ideal-1 (ring f g &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only))
58 | "Returns the reduced Grobner basis of the colon ideal Id(F):Id({G}), where
59 | F is a list of polynomials and G is a polynomial."
60 | (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (poly-exact-divide ring x g)) (ideal-intersection ring f (list g) top-reduction-only)))
61 |
62 |
63 | (defun ideal-intersection (ring f g &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only)
64 | &aux (*monomial-order* (or *elimination-order*
65 | #'elimination-order-1)))
66 | (mapcar #'poly-contract
67 | (ring-intersection
68 | (reduced-grobner
69 | ring
70 | (append (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (poly-extend p (make-monom 1 :initial-element 1))) f)
71 | (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
72 | (poly-append (poly-extend (poly-uminus ring p)
73 | (make-monom 1 :initial-element 1))
74 | (poly-extend p)))
75 | g))
76 | 0
77 | top-reduction-only)
78 | 1)))
79 |
80 | (defun poly-lcm (ring f g)
81 | "Return LCM (least common multiple) of two polynomials F and G.
82 | The polynomials must be ordered according to monomial order PRED
83 | and their coefficients must be compatible with the RING structure
84 | defined in the COEFFICIENT-RING package."
85 | (cond
86 | ((poly-zerop f) f)
87 | ((poly-zerop g) g)
88 | ((and (endp (cdr (poly-termlist f))) (endp (cdr (poly-termlist g))))
89 | (let ((m (monom-lcm (poly-lm f) (poly-lm g))))
90 | (make-poly-from-termlist (list (make-term m (funcall (ring-lcm ring) (poly-lc f) (poly-lc g)))))))
91 | (t
92 | (multiple-value-bind (f f-cont)
93 | (poly-primitive-part ring f)
94 | (multiple-value-bind (g g-cont)
95 | (poly-primitive-part ring g)
96 | (scalar-times-poly
97 | ring
98 | (funcall (ring-lcm ring) f-cont g-cont)
99 | (poly-primitive-part ring (car (ideal-intersection ring (list f) (list g) nil)))))))))
100 |
101 | ;; Do two Grobner bases yield the same ideal?
102 | (defun grobner-equal (ring g1 g2)
103 | "Returns T if two lists of polynomials G1 and G2, assumed to be Grobner bases,
104 | generate the same ideal, and NIL otherwise."
105 | (and (grobner-subsetp ring g1 g2) (grobner-subsetp ring g2 g1)))
106 |
107 | (defun grobner-subsetp (ring g1 g2)
108 | "Returns T if a list of polynomials G1 generates
109 | an ideal contained in the ideal generated by a polynomial list G2,
110 | both G1 and G2 assumed to be Grobner bases. Returns NIL otherwise."
111 | (every #'(lambda (p) (grobner-member ring p g2)) g1))
112 |
113 | (defun grobner-member (ring p g)
114 | "Returns T if a polynomial P belongs to the ideal generated by the
115 | polynomial list G, which is assumed to be a Grobner basis. Returns NIL otherwise."
116 | (poly-zerop (normal-form ring p g nil)))
117 |
118 | ;; Calculate F : p^inf
119 | (defun ideal-saturation-1 (ring f p start &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only)
120 | &aux (*monomial-order* (or *elimination-order*
121 | #'elimination-order-1)))
122 | "Returns the reduced Grobner basis of the saturation of the ideal
123 | generated by a polynomial list F in the ideal generated by a single
124 | polynomial P. The saturation ideal is defined as the set of
125 | polynomials H such for some natural number n (* (EXPT P N) H) is in the ideal
126 | F. Geometrically, over an algebraically closed field, this is the set
127 | of polynomials in the ideal generated by F which do not identically
128 | vanish on the variety of P."
129 | (mapcar
130 | #'poly-contract
131 | (ring-intersection
132 | (reduced-grobner
133 | ring
134 | (saturation-extension-1 ring f p)
135 | start top-reduction-only)
136 | 1)))
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 | ;; Calculate F : p1^inf : p2^inf : ... : ps^inf
141 | (defun ideal-polysaturation-1 (ring f plist start &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only))
142 | "Returns the reduced Grobner basis of the ideal obtained by a
143 | sequence of successive saturations in the polynomials
144 | of the polynomial list PLIST of the ideal generated by the
145 | polynomial list F."
146 | (cond
147 | ((endp plist) (reduced-grobner ring f start top-reduction-only))
148 | (t (let ((g (ideal-saturation-1 ring f (car plist) start top-reduction-only)))
149 | (ideal-polysaturation-1 ring g (rest plist) (length g) top-reduction-only)))))
150 |
151 | (defun ideal-saturation (ring f g start &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only)
152 | &aux
153 | (k (length g))
154 | (*monomial-order* (or *elimination-order*
155 | (elimination-order k))))
156 | "Returns the reduced Grobner basis of the saturation of the ideal
157 | generated by a polynomial list F in the ideal generated a polynomial
158 | list G. The saturation ideal is defined as the set of polynomials H
159 | such for some natural number n and some P in the ideal generated by G
160 | the polynomial P**N * H is in the ideal spanned by F. Geometrically,
161 | over an algebraically closed field, this is the set of polynomials in
162 | the ideal generated by F which do not identically vanish on the
163 | variety of G."
164 | (mapcar
165 | #'(lambda (q) (poly-contract q k))
166 | (ring-intersection
167 | (reduced-grobner ring
168 | (polysaturation-extension ring f g)
169 | start
170 | top-reduction-only)
171 | k)))
172 |
173 | (defun ideal-polysaturation (ring f ideal-list start &optional (top-reduction-only $poly_top_reduction_only))
174 | "Returns the reduced Grobner basis of the ideal obtained by a
175 | successive applications of IDEAL-SATURATION to F and lists of
176 | polynomials in the list IDEAL-LIST."
177 | (cond
178 | ((endp ideal-list) f)
179 | (t (let ((h (ideal-saturation ring f (car ideal-list) start top-reduction-only)))
180 | (ideal-polysaturation ring h (rest ideal-list) (length h) top-reduction-only)))))