#| $Id: poly-with-sugar.lisp,v 1.3 2009/01/22 04:06:12 marek Exp $ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* | Copyright (C) 1994, Marek Rychlik (e-mail: rychlik@math.arizona.edu) | | Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 | | | | Everyone is permitted to copy, distribute and modify the code in this | | directory, as long as this copyright note is preserved verbatim. | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* |# (defpackage "POLY-WITH-SUGAR" (:export poly-with-sugar-poly poly-with-sugar-tail poly-with-sugar-sugar monom-sugar term-sugar monom-times-poly-with-sugar scalar-times-poly-with-sugar term-times-poly-with-sugar minus-poly-with-sugar poly-with-sugar+ poly-with-sugar- poly-with-sugar-op poly-with-sugar-zerop poly-with-sugar-nreverse poly-with-sugar-append poly-with-sugar-lm poly-with-sugar-lc poly-with-sugar-lt poly-add-sugar) (:use "ORDER" "MONOM" "TERM" "TERM" "POLY" "COEFFICIENT-RING" "COMMON-LISP")) (in-package "POLY-WITH-SUGAR") (proclaim '(optimize (speed 3) (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 0))) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; BASIC OPERATIONS ON POLYNOMIALS of many variables WITH SUGAR ;; Hybrid operations involving polynomials and monomials or terms ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; The representation is as follows: ;; ;; polynomial-with-sugar: (poly . sugar) ;; ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- (defun poly-with-sugar-poly (p) (car p)) (defun poly-with-sugar-sugar (p) (cdr p)) (defun poly-with-sugar-tail (p) (cons (cdar p) (cdr p))) (defsetf poly-with-sugar-poly (p) (poly) `(setf (car ,p) ,poly)) (defsetf poly-with-sugar-sugar (p) (sugar) `(setf (cdr ,p) ,sugar)) (defsetf poly-with-sugar-tail (p) (tail) `(setf (cdar ,p) ,tail)) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Sugar of monomials and terms ;; The total degree is used ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- (defun monom-sugar (m) (total-degree m)) (defun coefficient-sugar (c ring) (funcall (ring-length ring) c)) (defun term-sugar (term ring) (declare (ignore ring)) (monom-sugar (term-monom term))) ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Initialize sugar of an ordinary polynomial ;;---------------------------------------------------------------- (defun poly-add-sugar (poly ring) (cons poly (apply #'max (mapcar #'(lambda (term) (term-sugar term ring)) poly)))) ;; Multiplies scalar c by a polynomial p (defun scalar-times-poly-with-sugar (c p ring) (cons (scalar-times-poly c (poly-with-sugar-poly p) ring) (poly-with-sugar-sugar p))) ;; Multiplies term m by a poly-with-sugar f (defun term-times-poly-with-sugar (term f ring) (cons (term-times-poly term (poly-with-sugar-poly f) ring) (+ (poly-with-sugar-sugar f) (term-sugar term ring)))) ;; Multiply a monom by a poly-with-sugarnomial (defun monom-times-poly-with-sugar (m f) (cons (monom-times-poly m (poly-with-sugar-poly f)) (+ (poly-with-sugar-sugar f) (monom-sugar m)))) ;; Changes the sign of the polynomial f with sugar (defun minus-poly-with-sugar (f ring) (cons (minus-poly (poly-with-sugar-poly f) ring) (poly-with-sugar-poly f))) ;; Addition and subtraction of polynomials with sugar (defun poly-with-sugar+ (p q pred ring) (cons (poly+ (poly-with-sugar-poly p) (poly-with-sugar-poly q) pred ring) (max (poly-with-sugar-sugar p) (poly-with-sugar-sugar q)))) ;; Addition and subtraction of polynomials with sugar (defun poly-with-sugar- (p q pred ring) (cons (poly- (poly-with-sugar-poly p) (poly-with-sugar-poly q) pred ring) (max (poly-with-sugar-sugar p) (poly-with-sugar-sugar q)))) ;; Implement f-term*g (defun poly-with-sugar-op (f term g pred ring) (poly-with-sugar- f (term-times-poly-with-sugar term g ring) pred ring)) ;; Destructively reverse the order of terms in a polynomial with sugar (defun poly-with-sugar-nreverse (p) (setf (poly-with-sugar-poly p) (nreverse (poly-with-sugar-poly p))) p) ;; Append two polynomials with sugar, which are assumed to be ;; sorted and all terms of q are smaller than terms of p (defun poly-with-sugar-append (p q) (cons (append (poly-with-sugar-poly p) (poly-with-sugar-poly q)) (max (poly-with-sugar-sugar p) (poly-with-sugar-sugar q)))) (defun poly-with-sugar-zerop (p) (poly-zerop (poly-with-sugar-poly p))) (defun poly-with-sugar-lm (p) (lm (poly-with-sugar-poly p))) (defun poly-with-sugar-lc (p) (lc (poly-with-sugar-poly p))) (defun poly-with-sugar-lt (p) (lt (poly-with-sugar-poly p)))