Assignment #2 (due November 10)
Problem 1
Design a world in povray which features a room whose walls and cealing are a number of spherical
surfaces. Make the spheres large enough so that the curvature is small enough to demonstrate
the exponential divergence of the traced rays.
For instance, plant a texture featuring the portrait of Bruce Lee on one of the walls and position
the walls and the camera in such a way that you can see a long progression of reflected images
whose sizes decay as terms of an approximate geometric sequence.
Of course, this cannot happen with flat mirrors because the angle of the pencil of lines is preserved
under reflection, so the size of objects decreases linearly with the number of reflections.
Problem 2 - version 1
Implement a feature in the prototypical ray tracer written in C++ available from our website.
For instance:
- Pigmented material
- Transparent material
- Fog
Create an image file illustrating the feature you are implementing.
Problem 2 - version 2
Implement shapes different than a sphere, like cones and cylinders, in a ray tracer.
You can either use the prototypical ray tracer written in C++ or you can implement your
code in a language of your choice, starting from scratch. In the latter case, you
can use fixed camera at (0, 0, -1) pointing in the z-direction and the viewport [-1,1]x[-1,1] in
the xy-plane.
Create an image file illustrating the feature you are implementing.
Marek Rychlik <>
Last modified: Thu Oct 23 17:33:38 MST 2003