/***************************************************************************** * Web3d.org Copyright (c) 2001 * Java Source * * This source is licensed under the GNU LGPL v2.1 * Please read http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lgpl.html for more information * * This software comes with the standard NO WARRANTY disclaimer for any * purpose. Use it at your own risk. If there's a problem you get to fix it. * ****************************************************************************/ // Standard library imports import org.j3d.ui.navigation.*; //import org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationToolbar; //import org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointToolbar; //import org.j3d.ui.navigation.ViewpointData; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Container; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.io.File; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.URL; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import javax.media.j3d.Canvas3D; import javax.media.j3d.TransformGroup; import javax.media.j3d.View; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JPopupMenu; import org.ietf.uri.*; // Application specific imports import org.web3d.vrml.sav.*; import org.web3d.vrml.nodes.*; import org.web3d.vrml.nodes.runtime.*; import org.web3d.vrml.nodes.loader.*; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.j3d.input.*; import org.web3d.net.content.VRMLContentHandlerFactory; import org.web3d.net.content.VRMLFileNameMap; import org.web3d.net.protocol.JavascriptResourceFactory; import org.web3d.net.resolve.Web3DURNResolver; import org.web3d.browser.BrowserCore; import org.web3d.vrml.lang.VRMLException; import org.web3d.vrml.lang.TypeConstants; import org.web3d.vrml.parser.VRMLParserFactory; import org.web3d.vrml.parser.FactoryConfigurationError; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.common.input.LinkSelectionListener; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.common.input.NavigationStateListener; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.j3d.J3DSceneBuilderFactory; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.j3d.browser.OverlayHandler; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.j3d.browser.VRMLUniverse; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.j3d.nodes.J3DVRMLNode; import org.web3d.vrml.renderer.j3d.nodes.J3DViewpointNodeType; import org.web3d.vrml.scripting.ScriptEngine; import org.web3d.vrml.scripting.jsai.VRML97ScriptEngine; import org.web3d.vrml.scripting.ecmascript.ECMAScriptEngine; /** * A VRML97 and X3D compliant browser. This will be a user * application for viewing content. *
* * @author Alan Hudson * @version $Revision: $ */ public class Xj3DBrowser extends DemoFrame implements ViewpointSelectionListener, LinkSelectionListener, OverlayHandler, KeyListener, org.j3d.ui.navigation.NavigationStateListener { // Constants for the URN setup /** Set this to the install directory that UMEL uses */ private static final String UMEL_INSTALL_DIR = null; /** Set this to the install directory that GEOVRML uses */ private static final String GEOVRML_INSTALL_DIR = null; //"c:/cygwin/home/justin/Xj3D/tests/geovrml"; /** NSS prefix used by UMEL */ private static final String UMEL_PREFIX = "umel"; /** NSS prefix used by GeoVRML */ private static final String GEOVRML_PREFIX = "geovrml"; /** The parser factory that we are going to use. */ private VRMLParserFactory parserFactory; /** The document builder instance used by the factory */ private SceneBuilder sceneBuilder; /** The universe to place our scene into */ private VRMLUniverse universe; /** The toolbar holding viewpoint information */ private ViewpointToolbar vpToolbar; /** The toolbar holding navigation information */ private NavigationToolbar navToolbar; /** Flag to indicate we are in the setup of the scene currently */ private boolean inSetup; /** Mapping of def'd Viewpoints to their real implementation */ private HashMap viewpointDefMap; /** Place for error messages to go */ private ConsoleWindow console; /** Global clock */ private VRMLClock clock; /** World load manager to help us load files */ private WorldLoaderManager worldLoader; /** The global canvas for rendering */ private Canvas3D canvas; /** The current viewpoint number */ private int currViewpointNum; /** Viewpoint data */ ViewpointData[] vdata; /** Should we try to use the imageLoader */ private boolean useImageLoader; /** * Create an instance of the demo class. */ public Xj3DBrowser() { super("Xj3D Browser"); JPopupMenu.setDefaultLightWeightPopupEnabled(false); useImageLoader = false; viewpointDefMap = new HashMap(); J3DSceneBuilderFactory builder_fac = new J3DSceneBuilderFactory(false, true, true, true, true, true, true); VRMLParserFactory parser_fac = null; try { parser_fac = VRMLParserFactory.newVRMLParserFactory(); } catch(FactoryConfigurationError fce) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load factory"); } Container content_pane = getContentPane(); JPanel p1 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); content_pane.add(p1, BorderLayout.CENTER); console = new ConsoleWindow(); // We also need a canvas to display stuff with and a universe to set // the content in. canvas = new Canvas3D(gfxConfig); //System.out.println("number of texture units: " + ((Integer)canvas.queryProperties().get("textureUnitStateMax")).intValue()); View view = new View(); //view.setMinimumFrameCycleTime(20); view.addCanvas3D(canvas); view.setTransparencySortingPolicy(View.TRANSPARENCY_SORT_GEOMETRY); AWTListenerEventBuffer i_buf = new AWTListenerEventBuffer(); canvas.addMouseListener(i_buf); canvas.addMouseMotionListener(i_buf); canvas.addKeyListener(i_buf); canvas.addKeyListener(this); ExternalLoadManager load_manager = new MemCacheLoadManager(); ScriptLoader script_loader = new DefaultScriptLoader(); ScriptManager script_manager = new DefaultScriptManager(); script_manager.setScriptLoader(script_loader); FrameStateManager state_manager = new GeneralisedFrameStateManager(); J3DSensorManager sensor_manager = new DefaultSensorManager(); sensor_manager.setInputBuffer(i_buf); RouteManager route_manager = new DefaultRouteManager(); route_manager.setRouterFactory(new ListsRouterFactory()); worldLoader = new DefaultWorldLoaderManager(state_manager); worldLoader.setErrorReporter(console); worldLoader.registerBuilderFactory(BrowserCore.JAVA3D_RENDERER, builder_fac); worldLoader.registerParserFactory(BrowserCore.JAVA3D_RENDERER, parser_fac); EventModelEvaluator event_model = new GeneralisedEventModelEvaluator(); event_model.initialize(script_manager, route_manager, sensor_manager, state_manager, load_manager); event_model.setErrorReporter(console); universe = new VRMLUniverse(event_model, this); universe.setPrimaryView(view); universe.setLinkSelectionListener(this); clock = universe.getVRMLClock(); ScriptEngine jsai = new VRML97ScriptEngine(universe, route_manager, worldLoader); jsai.setErrorReporter(console); ScriptEngine ecma = new ECMAScriptEngine(universe, route_manager, worldLoader); ecma.setErrorReporter(console); script_loader.registerScriptingEngine(jsai); script_loader.registerScriptingEngine(ecma); p1.add(canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER); JPanel p2 = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); p1.add(p2, BorderLayout.SOUTH); navToolbar = new NavigationToolbar(); navToolbar.setNavigationStateListener(this); navToolbar.setAllowUserStateChange(false); p2.add(navToolbar, BorderLayout.WEST); vpToolbar = new ViewpointToolbar(); vpToolbar.setEnabled(false); vpToolbar.setViewpointSelectionListener(this); p2.add(vpToolbar, BorderLayout.CENTER); //universe.setNavigationStateListener(this); universe.setLinkSelectionListener(this); setupProperties(universe, worldLoader); console.setVisible(true); DownloadProgressListener dl_list = new DownloadProgressListener(statusLabel, console); ResourceConnection.addGlobalProgressListener(dl_list); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Methods required by the OverlayHandler interface. //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Fetch the canvas that will be responsible for having the overlays * composited on them. * * @return The canvas instance to use */ public Canvas3D getPrimaryCanvas() { return canvas; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Methods required by the KeyListener interface. //---------------------------------------------------------- public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { VRMLViewpointNodeType vp_node; if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_DOWN) { currViewpointNum++; if (currViewpointNum >= vdata.length) currViewpointNum=0; vp_node = (VRMLViewpointNodeType)vdata[currViewpointNum].userData; vp_node.setBind(false, true, clock.getTime()); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_PAGE_UP) { currViewpointNum--; if (currViewpointNum < 0) currViewpointNum=vdata.length - 1; vp_node = (VRMLViewpointNodeType)vdata[currViewpointNum].userData; vp_node.setBind(false, true, clock.getTime()); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_HOME) { if (vdata == null) return; currViewpointNum = 0; vp_node = (VRMLViewpointNodeType)vdata[currViewpointNum].userData; vp_node.setBind(false, true, clock.getTime()); } else if (e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_END) { if (vdata == null) return; currViewpointNum = vdata.length - 1; vp_node = (VRMLViewpointNodeType)vdata[currViewpointNum].userData; vp_node.setBind(false, true, clock.getTime()); } } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Methods required by the LinkSelectionListener interface. //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Invoked when a link node has been activated. This is the node that has * been selected. * * @param node The selected node */ public void linkSelected(VRMLLinkNodeType node) { String[] url_list = node.getUrl(); boolean success = false; for(int i = 0; i < url_list.length; i++) { if(url_list[i].charAt(0) == '#') { // move to the viewpoint. String def_name = url_list[i].substring(1); J3DViewpointNodeType vp = (J3DViewpointNodeType)viewpointDefMap.get(def_name); if(vp != null) { vp.setBind(false, true, clock.getTime()); success = true; } else { statusLabel.setText("Unknown Viewpoint " + def_name); console.warningReport("Unknown Viewpoint " + def_name, null); } } else { // load the world. try { URL url = new URL(url_list[i]); InputSource is = new InputSource(url); if(success = load(is)) break; } catch(MalformedURLException mue) { statusLabel.setText("Invalid URL"); console.warningReport("Invalid URL: " + url_list[i], mue); } } } if(!success) console.errorReport("No valid URLs were found", null); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Methods required by the ViewpointSelectionListener interface. //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * A new viewpoint has been selected and this is it. Move to this viewpoint * location according to the requested means. * * @param vp The new viewpoint to use */ public void viewpointSelected(ViewpointData vp) { if(inSetup) return; J3DViewpointNodeType vp_node = (J3DViewpointNodeType)vp.userData; vp_node.setBind(true, true, clock.getTime()); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Implmentation of base class abstract methods //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Go to the named URL location. No checking is done other than to make * sure it is a valid URL. * * @param url The URL to open */ public void gotoLocation(URL url) { InputSource is = new InputSource(url); urlTextField.setText(url.toString()); load(is); } /** * Load the named file. The file is checked to make sure that it exists * before calling this method. * * @param file The file to load */ public void gotoLocation(File file) { InputSource is = new InputSource(file); urlTextField.setText(file.toString()); load(is); } protected void setWarning(String msg) { statusLabel.setText(msg); console.warningReport(msg, null); } protected void setError(String msg) { statusLabel.setText(msg); console.errorReport(msg, null); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Methods required by NavigationStateListener //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Notification that the panning state has changed to the new state. * * @param state One of the state values declared here */ public void setNavigationState(int state) { //universe.setNavigationMode(state); } /** * Callback to ask the listener what navigation state it thinks it is * in. * * @return The state that the listener thinks it is in */ public int getNavigationState() { return 0; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // Local convenience methods //---------------------------------------------------------- /** * Do all the parsing work. Convenience method for all to call internally * * @param is The inputsource for this reader * @return true if the world loaded correctly */ private boolean load(InputSource is) { inSetup = true; boolean ret_val = false; WorldLoader loader = worldLoader.fetchLoader(); VRMLScene parsed_scene = null; try { parsed_scene = loader.loadNow(universe, is); } catch(Exception e) { console.errorReport("Failed to load ", e); worldLoader.releaseLoader(loader); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } worldLoader.releaseLoader(loader); universe.setScene(parsed_scene); ret_val = true; // Grab the list of viewpoints and place them into the toolbar. ArrayList vp_list = parsed_scene.getByPrimaryType(TypeConstants.ViewpointNodeType); if(vp_list.size() == 0) { vpToolbar.setEnabled(false); return ret_val; } else { vpToolbar.setEnabled(true); } VRMLViewpointNodeType active_vp = universe.getViewpoint(); ViewpointData active_data = null; J3DVRMLNode node; vdata = new ViewpointData[vp_list.size()]; int count = 0; String desc; TransformGroup tg; int size = vp_list.size(); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { node = (J3DVRMLNode)vp_list.get(i); if(node.getPrimaryType() == TypeConstants.ProtoInstance) node = (J3DVRMLNode)((VRMLProtoInstance)node).getImplementationNode(); desc = ((VRMLViewpointNodeType)node).getDescription(); if((desc == null) || (desc.length() == 0)) { desc = "Viewpoint " + count; } tg = ((J3DViewpointNodeType)node).getPlatformGroup(); vdata[count] = new ViewpointData(desc, count, tg); vdata[count].userData = node; if(node == active_vp) { currViewpointNum = count; active_data = vdata[count]; } count++; } vpToolbar.setViewpoints(vdata); if(active_data != null) vpToolbar.selectViewpoint(active_data); // Finally set up the viewpoint def name list. Have to start from // the list of DEF names as the Viewpoint nodes don't store the DEF // name locally. viewpointDefMap.clear(); Map def_map = parsed_scene.getDEFNodes(); Iterator itr = def_map.keySet().iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { String key = (String)itr.next(); Object vp = def_map.get(key); if(vp instanceof VRMLViewpointNodeType) viewpointDefMap.put(key, vp); } inSetup = false; return ret_val; } /** * Set up the system properties needed to run the browser. This involves * registering all the properties needed for content and protocol * handlers used by the URI system. Only needs to be run once at startup. * * @param core The core representation of the browser * @param loader Loader manager for doing async calls */ private void setupProperties(BrowserCore core, WorldLoaderManager loader) { // Disable font cache to fix getBounds nullPointer bug System.setProperty("sun.awt.font.advancecache","off"); System.setProperty("uri.content.handler.pkgs", "vlc.net.content"); System.setProperty("uri.protocol.handler.pkgs", "vlc.net.protocol"); if (useImageLoader) { System.setProperty("java.content.handler.pkgs", "vlc.net.content"); } URIResourceStreamFactory res_fac = URI.getURIResourceStreamFactory(); if(!(res_fac instanceof JavascriptResourceFactory)) { res_fac = new JavascriptResourceFactory(res_fac); URI.setURIResourceStreamFactory(res_fac); } ContentHandlerFactory c_fac = URI.getContentHandlerFactory(); if(!(c_fac instanceof VRMLContentHandlerFactory)) { c_fac = new VRMLContentHandlerFactory(core, loader, c_fac); URI.setContentHandlerFactory(c_fac); } FileNameMap fn_map = URI.getFileNameMap(); if(!(fn_map instanceof VRMLFileNameMap)) { fn_map = new VRMLFileNameMap(fn_map); URI.setFileNameMap(fn_map); } Web3DURNResolver resolver = new Web3DURNResolver(); resolver.registerPrefixLocation(UMEL_PREFIX, UMEL_INSTALL_DIR); resolver.registerPrefixLocation(GEOVRML_PREFIX, GEOVRML_INSTALL_DIR); URN.addResolver(resolver); } public void displayFPS() { // Need todo this in a non-garbage generating way String txt = Float.toString(universe.getCurrentFrameRate()); int len = txt.length(); FPSLabel.setText(txt.substring(0,Math.min(5,len))); } /** * Create an instance of this class and run it. The single argument, if * supplied is the name of the file to load initially. If not supplied it * will start with a blank document. * * @param argv The list of arguments for this application. */ public static void main(String[] args) { Xj3DBrowser browser = new Xj3DBrowser(); browser.show(); String filename = null; if (args.length > 0) filename = args[0]; if (filename != null) { File fil = new File(filename); if (fil.exists()) { browser.gotoLocation(fil); } else { try { URL url = new URL(filename); browser.gotoLocation(url); } catch(MalformedURLException mfe) { System.out.println("Malformed URL: " + filename); } } } // Display FPS, use framestate manager when updated while(true) { try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch(Exception e) {} browser.displayFPS(); } } }