GNU Octave, version 2.1.40 (i386-redhat-linux-gnu). Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John W. Eaton. This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTIBILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type `warranty'. Please contribute if you find this software useful. For more information, visit Report bugs to . octave> a = [1,2,3;1,2,2] a = 1 2 3 1 2 2 octave> b=[1;2] b = 1 2 octave> a \ b octave> a \ b ans = 0.80000 1.60000 -1.00000 octave> a \ b ans = 0.80000 1.60000 -1.00000 octave> 1:10:2 ans = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 octave> b=1:3' b = 1 2 3 octave> b=(1:3)' b = 1 2 3 octave> b=(1:3)' b = 1 2 3 octave> 1:10:2 ans = 1 octave> 1:.2:10 ans = 1 3 5 7 9 octave> 1:.2:10 ans = Columns 1 through 8: 1.0000 1.2000 1.4000 1.6000 1.8000 2.0000 2.2000 2.4000 Columns 9 through 16: 2.6000 2.8000 3.0000 3.2000 3.4000 3.6000 3.8000 4.0000 Columns 17 through 24: 4.2000 4.4000 4.6000 4.8000 5.0000 5.2000 5.4000 5.6000 Columns 25 through 32: 5.8000 6.0000 6.2000 6.4000 6.6000 6.8000 7.0000 7.2000 Columns 33 through 40: 7.4000 7.6000 7.8000 8.0000 8.2000 8.4000 8.6000 8.8000 Columns 41 through 46: 9.0000 9.2000 9.4000 9.6000 9.8000 10.0000 octave> linspace(1, 10, 100); ans = Columns 1 through 8: 1.0000 1.0909 1.1818 1.2727 1.3636 1.4545 1.5455 1.6364 Columns 9 through 16: 1.7273 1.8182 1.9091 2.0000 2.0909 2.1818 2.2727 2.3636 Columns 17 through 24: 2.4545 2.5455 2.6364 2.7273 2.8182 2.9091 3.0000 3.0909 Columns 25 through 32: 3.1818 3.2727 3.3636 3.4545 3.5455 3.6364 3.7273 3.8182 Columns 33 through 40: 3.9091 4.0000 4.0909 4.1818 4.2727 4.3636 4.4545 4.5455 Columns 41 through 48: 4.6364 4.7273 4.8182 4.9091 5.0000 5.0909 5.1818 5.2727 Columns 49 through 56: 5.3636 5.4545 5.5455 5.6364 5.7273 5.8182 5.9091 6.0000 Columns 57 through 64: 6.0909 6.1818 6.2727 6.3636 6.4545 6.5455 6.6364 6.7273 Columns 65 through 72: 6.8182 6.9091 7.0000 7.0909 7.1818 7.2727 7.3636 7.4545 Columns 73 through 80: 7.5455 7.6364 7.7273 7.8182 7.9091 8.0000 8.0909 8.1818 Columns 81 through 88: 8.2727 8.3636 8.4545 8.5455 8.6364 8.7273 8.8182 8.9091 Columns 89 through 96: 9.0000 9.0909 9.1818 9.2727 9.3636 9.4545 9.5455 9.6364 Columns 97 through 100: 9.7273 9.8182 9.9091 10.0000 octave> linspace(1, 10, 100); octave> ans ans = Columns 1 through 8: 1.0000 1.0909 1.1818 1.2727 1.3636 1.4545 1.5455 1.6364 Columns 9 through 16: 1.7273 1.8182 1.9091 2.0000 2.0909 2.1818 2.2727 2.3636 Columns 17 through 24: 2.4545 2.5455 2.6364 2.7273 2.8182 2.9091 3.0000 3.0909 Columns 25 through 32: 3.1818 3.2727 3.3636 3.4545 3.5455 3.6364 3.7273 3.8182 Columns 33 through 40: 3.9091 4.0000 4.0909 4.1818 4.2727 4.3636 4.4545 4.5455 Columns 41 through 48: 4.6364 4.7273 4.8182 4.9091 5.0000 5.0909 5.1818 5.2727 Columns 49 through 56: 5.3636 5.4545 5.5455 5.6364 5.7273 5.8182 5.9091 6.0000 Columns 57 through 64: 6.0909 6.1818 6.2727 6.3636 6.4545 6.5455 6.6364 6.7273 Columns 65 through 72: 6.8182 6.9091 7.0000 7.0909 7.1818 7.2727 7.3636 7.4545 Columns 73 through 80: 7.5455 7.6364 7.7273 7.8182 7.9091 8.0000 8.0909 8.1818 Columns 81 through 88: 8.2727 8.3636 8.4545 8.5455 8.6364 8.7273 8.8182 8.9091 Columns 89 through 96: 9.0000 9.0909 9.1818 9.2727 9.3636 9.4545 9.5455 9.6364 Columns 97 through 100: 9.7273 9.8182 9.9091 10.0000 octave> linspace(1,2,5); error: linspace: npoints is 1, but x1 != x2 octave> a=linspace(1,2,5); octave> ans ans = 1.0000 1.2500 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 octave> a=linspace(1,2,5); octave> a a = 1.0000 1.2500 1.5000 1.7500 2.0000 octave> a=logspace(1,2,5); octave> a a = 10.000 17.783 31.623 56.234 100.000 octave> plot(logspace(1,3,50)); octave> plot(1:50,logspace(1,2,50)); octave> plot(logspace(1,3,50)); octave> plot(1:50,logspace(1,2,50), '.') octave> plot(1:50,logspace(1,2,50), '@') octave> logspace(1,2,5) ans = 10.000 17.783 31.623 56.234 100.000 octave> plot(1:50,[logspace(1,2,50); logspace(1,1.5,50)], '@') octave> a=[logspace(1,2,50); logspace(1,1.5,50)] a = Columns 1 through 8: 10.000 10.481 10.985 11.514 12.068 12.649 13.257 13.895 10.000 10.238 10.481 10.730 10.985 11.247 11.514 11.788 Columns 9 through 16: 14.563 15.264 15.999 16.768 17.575 18.421 19.307 20.236 12.068 12.355 12.649 12.949 13.257 13.572 13.895 14.225 Columns 17 through 24: 21.210 22.230 23.300 24.421 25.595 26.827 28.118 29.471 14.563 14.910 15.264 15.627 15.999 16.379 16.768 17.167 Columns 25 through 32: 30.888 32.375 33.932 35.565 37.276 39.069 40.949 42.919 17.575 17.993 18.421 18.859 19.307 19.766 20.236 20.717 Columns 33 through 40: 44.984 47.149 49.417 51.795 54.287 56.899 59.636 62.506 21.210 21.714 22.230 22.758 23.300 23.853 24.421 25.001 Columns 41 through 48: 65.513 68.665 71.969 75.431 79.060 82.864 86.851 91.030 25.595 26.204 26.827 27.465 28.118 28.786 29.471 30.171 Columns 49 and 50: 95.410 100.000 30.888 31.623 octave> a=[logspace(1,2,5); logspace(1,1.5,5)] a = 10.000 17.783 31.623 56.234 100.000 10.000 13.335 17.783 23.714 31.623 octave> plot(1:50,[logspace(1,2,50); logspace(1,1.5,50)], '@') octave>