GNU Octave, version 2.1.57 (i686-pc-linux-gnu). Copyright (C) 2004 John W. Eaton. This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTIBILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type `warranty'. Additional information about Octave is available at Please contribute if you find this software useful. For more information, visit Report bugs to (but first, please read to learn how to write a helpful report). octave> regression samplesize = 6 A = 65 1 68 1 67 1 74 1 71 1 72 1 c = 130 170 170 170 160 160 octave> octave> regression samplesize = 6 A = 65 1 68 1 67 1 74 1 71 1 72 1 c = 130 170 170 170 160 160 u = 2.4348 -9.2174 octave>