GNU Octave, version 2.1.57 (i686-pc-linux-gnu). Copyright (C) 2004 John W. Eaton. This is free software; see the source code for copying conditions. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; not even for MERCHANTIBILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. For details, type `warranty'. Additional information about Octave is available at Please contribute if you find this software useful. For more information, visit Report bugs to (but first, please read to learn how to write a helpful report). octave> quit Process Inferior Octave finished GNU Octave, version 2.0.17 (i586-pc-linux-gnu). Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 John W. Eaton. This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, type `warranty'. octave> logistic X0 = 100 5 T = Columns 1 through 8: 0.00000 0.10101 0.20202 0.30303 0.40404 0.50505 0.60606 0.70707 Columns 9 through 16: 0.80808 0.90909 1.01010 1.11111 1.21212 1.31313 1.41414 1.51515 Columns 17 through 24: 1.61616 1.71717 1.81818 1.91919 2.02020 2.12121 2.22222 2.32323 Columns 25 through 32: 2.42424 2.52525 2.62626 2.72727 2.82828 2.92929 3.03030 3.13131 Columns 33 through 40: 3.23232 3.33333 3.43434 3.53535 3.63636 3.73737 3.83838 3.93939 Columns 41 through 48: 4.04040 4.14141 4.24242 4.34343 4.44444 4.54545 4.64646 4.74747 Columns 49 through 56: 4.84848 4.94949 5.05051 5.15152 5.25253 5.35354 5.45455 5.55556 Columns 57 through 64: 5.65657 5.75758 5.85859 5.95960 6.06061 6.16162 6.26263 6.36364 Columns 65 through 72: 6.46465 6.56566 6.66667 6.76768 6.86869 6.96970 7.07071 7.17172 Columns 73 through 80: 7.27273 7.37374 7.47475 7.57576 7.67677 7.77778 7.87879 7.97980 Columns 81 through 88: 8.08081 8.18182 8.28283 8.38384 8.48485 8.58586 8.68687 8.78788 Columns 89 through 96: 8.88889 8.98990 9.09091 9.19192 9.29293 9.39394 9.49495 9.59596 Columns 97 through 100: 9.69697 9.79798 9.89899 10.00000 octave> rabbits(X0, 0) xdot = -900 xdot = -900 5 ans = -900 5 octave> rabbits(X0, 0) ans = -900 5 octave> logistic X0 = 100 5 T = Columns 1 through 8: 0.00000 0.10101 0.20202 0.30303 0.40404 0.50505 0.60606 0.70707 Columns 9 through 16: 0.80808 0.90909 1.01010 1.11111 1.21212 1.31313 1.41414 1.51515 Columns 17 through 24: 1.61616 1.71717 1.81818 1.91919 2.02020 2.12121 2.22222 2.32323 Columns 25 through 32: 2.42424 2.52525 2.62626 2.72727 2.82828 2.92929 3.03030 3.13131 Columns 33 through 40: 3.23232 3.33333 3.43434 3.53535 3.63636 3.73737 3.83838 3.93939 Columns 41 through 48: 4.04040 4.14141 4.24242 4.34343 4.44444 4.54545 4.64646 4.74747 Columns 49 through 56: 4.84848 4.94949 5.05051 5.15152 5.25253 5.35354 5.45455 5.55556 Columns 57 through 64: 5.65657 5.75758 5.85859 5.95960 6.06061 6.16162 6.26263 6.36364 Columns 65 through 72: 6.46465 6.56566 6.66667 6.76768 6.86869 6.96970 7.07071 7.17172 Columns 73 through 80: 7.27273 7.37374 7.47475 7.57576 7.67677 7.77778 7.87879 7.97980 Columns 81 through 88: 8.08081 8.18182 8.28283 8.38384 8.48485 8.58586 8.68687 8.78788 Columns 89 through 96: 8.88889 8.98990 9.09091 9.19192 9.29293 9.39394 9.49495 9.59596 Columns 97 through 100: 9.69697 9.79798 9.89899 10.00000 ans = 100.0000 5.0000 53.6284 5.5033 37.7887 5.9966 29.8257 6.4704 25.0536 6.9170 21.8880 7.3304 19.6443 7.7067 17.9784 8.0442 16.6984 8.3427 15.6888 8.6035 14.8757 8.8290 14.2101 9.0223 13.6576 9.1866 13.1940 9.3253 12.8012 9.4419 12.4657 9.5392 12.1772 9.6203 11.9277 9.6876 11.7108 9.7433 11.5214 9.7893 11.3555 9.8271 11.2095 9.8583 11.0807 9.8839 10.9668 9.9050 10.8659 9.9222 10.7763 9.9363 10.6965 9.9479 10.6254 9.9574 10.5619 9.9652 10.5052 9.9715 10.4545 9.9767 10.4090 9.9810 10.3683 9.9844 10.3317 9.9873 10.2989 9.9896 10.2694 9.9915 10.2429 9.9931 10.2190 9.9943 10.1976 9.9954 10.1783 9.9962 10.1609 9.9969 10.1452 9.9975 10.1311 9.9979 10.1183 9.9983 10.1068 9.9986 10.0965 9.9989 10.0871 9.9991 10.0787 9.9992 10.0711 9.9994 10.0642 9.9995 10.0580 9.9996 10.0524 9.9997 10.0473 9.9997 10.0428 9.9998 10.0386 9.9998 10.0349 9.9999 10.0316 9.9999 10.0285 9.9999 10.0258 9.9999 10.0233 9.9999 10.0210 9.9999 10.0190 10.0000 10.0172 10.0000 10.0155 10.0000 10.0140 10.0000 10.0127 10.0000 10.0115 10.0000 10.0104 10.0000 10.0094 10.0000 10.0085 10.0000 10.0077 10.0000 10.0069 10.0000 10.0063 10.0000 10.0057 10.0000 10.0051 10.0000 10.0046 10.0000 10.0042 10.0000 10.0038 10.0000 10.0034 10.0000 10.0031 10.0000 10.0028 10.0000 10.0025 10.0000 10.0023 10.0000 10.0021 10.0000 10.0019 10.0000 10.0017 10.0000 10.0015 10.0000 10.0014 10.0000 10.0012 10.0000 10.0011 10.0000 10.0010 10.0000 10.0009 10.0000 10.0008 10.0000 10.0007 10.0000 10.0007 10.0000 10.0006 10.0000 10.0006 10.0000 10.0005 10.0000 10.0005 10.0000 10.0004 10.0000 octave> logistic ans = 100.0000 5.0000 53.6284 5.5033 37.7887 5.9966 29.8257 6.4704 25.0536 6.9170 21.8880 7.3304 19.6443 7.7067 17.9784 8.0442 16.6984 8.3427 15.6888 8.6035 14.8757 8.8290 14.2101 9.0223 13.6576 9.1866 13.1940 9.3253 12.8012 9.4419 12.4657 9.5392 12.1772 9.6203 11.9277 9.6876 11.7108 9.7433 11.5214 9.7893 11.3555 9.8271 11.2095 9.8583 11.0807 9.8839 10.9668 9.9050 10.8659 9.9222 10.7763 9.9363 10.6965 9.9479 10.6254 9.9574 10.5619 9.9652 10.5052 9.9715 10.4545 9.9767 10.4090 9.9810 10.3683 9.9844 10.3317 9.9873 10.2989 9.9896 10.2694 9.9915 10.2429 9.9931 10.2190 9.9943 10.1976 9.9954 10.1783 9.9962 10.1609 9.9969 10.1452 9.9975 10.1311 9.9979 10.1183 9.9983 10.1068 9.9986 10.0965 9.9989 10.0871 9.9991 10.0787 9.9992 10.0711 9.9994 10.0642 9.9995 10.0580 9.9996 10.0524 9.9997 10.0473 9.9997 10.0428 9.9998 10.0386 9.9998 10.0349 9.9999 10.0316 9.9999 10.0285 9.9999 10.0258 9.9999 10.0233 9.9999 10.0210 9.9999 10.0190 10.0000 10.0172 10.0000 10.0155 10.0000 10.0140 10.0000 10.0127 10.0000 10.0115 10.0000 10.0104 10.0000 10.0094 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