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Changeset 4463

2016-06-14T19:35:34-07:00 (9 years ago)
Marek Rychlik
11 edited


  • branches/f4grobner/5am-buchberger.lisp

    r4440 r4463  
    107107  (with-fixture buchberger-advanced-context ()
    108108    (is-true (grobner-test gb fl))
    109     (is (every #'universal-equalp (buchberger fl) gb))
     109    (is (grobner-equal (buchberger fl) gb))
    110110    ;;(is (every #'universal-equalp (parallel-buchberger fl) gb))
    111111    )
  • branches/f4grobner/5am-symbolic-poly.lisp

    r4325 r4463  
    7070    (is (universal-equalp (change-class p 'symbolic-poly :vars '(x)) p-symbolic )))
    7171  (with-fixture sym-poly-context ()
    72     (signals
    73         (error "Number of variables does not equal dimension.")
    74       (universal-equalp (change-class p 'symbolic-poly :vars '(x y)) p-symbolic ))))
     72    (universal-equalp (change-class p 'symbolic-poly :vars '(x y)) p-symbolic )))
    7674;; The following example uses the Grobner basis obtained with Maxima
  • branches/f4grobner/buchberger.lisp

    r4462 r4463  
    2626        :ring
    2727        )
    2929  (:documentation "Buchberger Algorithm Implementation."))
    4949                    (grobner-test (subseq f 0 start) (subseq f 0 start)))
    5050  ;;Initialize critical pairs
    51   (let ((b (make-critical-pair-queue *normal-strategy* f start))
     51  (let ((b (make-critical-pair-queue *min-total-degree-strategy* f start))
    5252        (b-done (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
    5353    (declare (type critical-pair-queue b) (type hash-table b-done))
    8585        (setf (gethash (list (critical-pair-first pair) (critical-pair-second pair)) b-done)
    8686              t)))))
     89(defun grobner-member (p g)
     90  "Returns T if a polynomial P belongs to the ideal generated by the
     91polynomial list G, which is assumed to be a Grobner basis. Returns NIL otherwise."
     92  (universal-zerop (normal-form p g nil)))
     95(defun grobner-subsetp (g1 g2)
     96  "Returns T if a list of polynomials G1 generates
     97an ideal contained in the ideal generated by a polynomial list G2,
     98both G1 and G2 assumed to be Grobner bases. Returns NIL otherwise."
     99  (every #'(lambda (p) (grobner-member p g2)) g1))
     102(defun grobner-equal (g1 g2)
     103  "Returns T if two lists of polynomials G1 and G2, assumed to be Grobner bases,
     104generate  the same ideal, and NIL otherwise."
     105  (and (grobner-subsetp g1 g2) (grobner-subsetp g2 g1)))
  • branches/f4grobner/division.lisp

    r4434 r4463  
    4444(defun grobner-op (c1 c2 m f g)
    45   "Returns C2*F-C1*M*G, where F and G are polynomials M is a monomial.
    46 Assume that the leading terms will cancel."
    47   (declare (type monom m)
    48            (type poly f g))
    49   (assert (universal-zerop
    50            (subtract
    51             (multiply c2 (leading-coefficient f))
    52             (multiply c1 (leading-coefficient g)))))
    53   (assert (universal-equalp (leading-monomial f) (multiply m (leading-monomial g))))
    54   ;; Note that below we can drop the leading terms of f ang g for the
    55   ;; purpose of polynomial arithmetic. 
    56   ;;
    57   ;; TODO: Make sure that the sugar calculation is correct if leading
    58   ;; terms are dropped.
    59   (subtract
    60    (multiply f c2)
    61    (multiply g m c1)))
     45  "Returns C2*F-C1*M*G, where F and G are polynomials M is a monomial."
     46  (declare (type monom m) (type poly f g))
     47  (subtract (multiply f c2) (multiply g m c1)))
    6349(defun check-loop-invariant (c f a fl r p &aux (p-zero (make-zero-for f)))
    7460  |#
    7561  (let* ((prod (inner-product a fl add multiply p-zero))
    76          (succeeded-p (universal-zerop (subtract (multiply f c) (add prod r p)))))
     62         (succeeded-p (universal-zerop (subtract (multiply f c) (add prod (make-instance 'poly :termlist (reverse r)) p)))))
    7763    (unless succeeded-p
    7864      (error "#### Polynomial division Loop invariant failed ####:~%C=~A~%F=~A~%A=~A~%FL=~A~%R=~A~%P=~A~%"
    9278  (declare (type poly f) (list fl))
    9379  ;; Loop invariant: c*f=sum ai*fi+r+p, where p must eventually become 0
    94   (do ((r (make-zero-for f))
     80  (do ((r nil)
    9581       (c (make-unit-for (leading-coefficient f)))
    9682       (a (make-list (length fl) :initial-element (make-zero-for f)))
    10086       #+grobner-check(check-loop-invariant c f a fl r p)
    10187       (debug-cgb "~&~3T~d reduction~:p" division-count)
    102        (when (universal-zerop r) (debug-cgb " ---> 0"))
    103        (values a r c division-count))
     88       (when (null r) (debug-cgb " ---> 0"))
     89       (values a (make-instance 'poly :termlist r) c division-count))
    10490    (declare (fixnum division-count))
    10591    ;; Check the loop invariant here
    10894         (b a (rest b)))
    10995        ((cond
    110            ((endp fl)                           ;no division occurred
    111             (setf r (add-to r (leading-term p)) ;move lt(p) to remainder
    112                   p (subtract-from p (leading-term p))) ;remove lt(p) from p
     96           ((endp fl)                     ;no division occurred
     97            (push (poly-remove-term p) r) ;move lt(p) to remainder
    11398            t)
    11499           ((divides-p (leading-monomial (car fl)) (leading-monomial p)) ;division occurred
    122107                          (setf (car x) (multiply-by (car x) c1)))
    123108                      a)
    124                 (setf r (multiply-by r c1)
     109                (setf r (mapc #'multiply-by r c1)
    125110                      c (multiply-by c c1)
    126111                      p (grobner-op c2 c1 m p (car fl)))
    154139                                    :test #'divisible-by-p
    155140                                    :key #'leading-monomial)))
     141  ;; NOTE: Currently R is a list of terms of the remainder
    156142  (cond
    157143   (g                                   ;division possible
    162148      (let ((m (divide (leading-monomial p) (leading-monomial g))))
    163149        ;; Multiply the equation c*f=sum ai*fi+r+p by cg.
    164         (setf r (multiply-by r cg)
     150        (setf r (mapc #'(lambda (trm) (multiply-by trm cg)) r)
    165151              c (multiply-by c cg)
    166152              ;; p := cg*p-cp*m*g
    167153              p (grobner-op cp cg m p g))))
    168154    (debug-cgb "/"))
    169    (t                                                   ;no division possible
    170     (setf r (add-to r (leading-term p))) ;move lt(p) to remainder
    171     (setf p (subtract-from p (leading-term p))) ;move lt(p) to remainder
     155   (t                                      ;no division possible
     156    (setf r (push (poly-remove-term p) r))         ;move lt(p) to remainder
    172157    (debug-cgb "+")))
    173158  (values p r c division-count))
    187172    ;; unit in the coefficient field.
    188173    (return-from normal-form (values f nil 0)))
    189   (do ((r (make-zero-for f))
     174  (do ((r nil)
    190175       (c (make-unit-for (leading-coefficient f)))
    191176       (division-count 0))
    192177      ((or (universal-zerop f)
    193178           ;;(endp fl)
    194            (and top-reduction-only (not (universal-zerop r))))
     179           (and top-reduction-only (not (null r))))
    195180       (progn
    196181         (debug-cgb "~&~3T~D reduction~:P" division-count)
    197          (when (universal-zerop r)
     182         (when (null r)
    198183           (debug-cgb " ---> 0")))
    199        (setf f (add-to f r))
     184       (setf (poly-termlist f) (nreconc r (poly-termlist f)))
    200185       (values f c division-count))
    201     (declare (fixnum division-count)
    202              (type poly r))
     186    (declare (fixnum division-count))
    203187    (multiple-value-setq (f r c division-count)
    204188      (normal-form-step fl f r c division-count))))
  • branches/f4grobner/fast-add.lisp

    r4450 r4463  
    1212                     result-last (cdr result-last)))))
    1313    (loop
    14        (format t "RESULT:      ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list result))
    15        (format t "RESULT-LAST: ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list result-last))
    16        (format t "P:           ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list p))
    17        (format t "Q:           ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list q))
     14       ;;TODO: Eliminate this debugging code
     15       #+nil
     16       (progn
     17         (format t "~V@{~C~:*~}~%" 80 #\-)
     18         (format t "RESULT:      ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list result))
     19         (format t "RESULT-LAST: ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list result-last))
     20         (format t "P:           ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list p))
     21         (format t "Q:           ~S~%" (mapcar #'->list q)))
    1822       (cond
    1923         ((endp p) (unless (endp q) (add-to-result q)) (return result))
  • branches/f4grobner/monom.lisp

    r4446 r4463  
    568568      copy))
    570 #|
    571 (defmethod multiply-by ((self term) (other number))
     570(defmethod multiply-by ((self term) (other ring))
    572571  (reinitialize-instance self :coeff (multiply-by (term-coeff self) other)))
    574 (defmethod divide-by ((self term) (other number))
     573(defmethod divide-by ((self term) (other ring))
    575574  (reinitialize-instance self :coeff (divide-by (term-coeff self) other)))
    576 |#
    578577(defmethod unary-inverse :after ((self term))
  • branches/f4grobner/polynomial-eval.lisp

    r4386 r4463  
    3838    (cond
    3939      ((eq expr 0)
    40        (make-instance 'poly :dimension (length vars)))
     40       (make-instance 'poly))
    4141      ((member expr vars :test #'equalp)
    4242       (let ((pos (position expr vars :test #'equalp)))
  • branches/f4grobner/polynomial.lisp

    r4457 r4463  
    738738  "Ensures that the number of variables in VARS maches the polynomial dimension of the
    739739polynomial SELF."
    740   (let ((dimension (poly-dimension self)))
    741     (assert (= (length vars) dimension)
    742             nil
    743             "Number of variables ~S does not match the dimension ~S"
    744             vars dimension)))
     740  (unless (endp (poly-termlist self))
     741    (let ((dimension (poly-dimension self)))
     742      (assert (= (length vars) dimension)
     743              nil
     744              "Number of variables ~S does not match the dimension ~S"
     745              vars dimension))))
    746747(defmethod ->sexp ((self poly) &optional vars)
  • branches/f4grobner/symbolic-polynomial.lisp

    r4442 r4463  
    3838(defmethod print-object ((self symbolic-poly) stream)
    3939  (print-unreadable-object (self stream :type t :identity t)
    40     (with-accessors ((dimension poly-dimension)
    41                      (termlist poly-termlist)
     40    (with-accessors ((termlist poly-termlist)
    4241                     (order poly-term-order)
    4342                     (vars symbolic-poly-vars))
    4443        self
    45       (format stream "DIMENSION=~A TERMLIST=~A ORDER=~A VARS=~A"
    46               dimension termlist order vars))))
     44      (format stream "TERMLIST=~A ORDER=~A VARS=~A"
     45              termlist order vars))))
    5958(defmethod universal-equalp ((self symbol) (other symbol))
    6059  (eq self other))
    62 (defmethod update-instance-for-different-class :after ((old poly) (new  symbolic-poly) &key)
    63   "After adding variables to NEW, we need to make sure that the number
    64 of variables given by POLY-DIMENSION is consistent with VARS."
    65   (assert (= (length (symbolic-poly-vars new)) (poly-dimension new))))
    168161           (format nil "[~{~a~^, ~}]" (mapcar #'(lambda (p) (poly->string p)) (cdr self))))))
    169162  (:method ((self poly) &optional (vars nil))
    170     ;; Ensure that the number of variables matches the dimension
    171     (assert (= (length vars) (poly-dimension self)))
    172163    (infix-print-to-string (->sexp self vars)))
    173164  (:method ((self symbolic-poly) &optional (vars (symbolic-poly-vars self)))
  • branches/f4grobner/test0.lisp

    r4442 r4463  
    55(setf p (ADD-TO
    6          (make-instance 'poly :dimension 1 :termlist (list (make-instance 'term :exponents #(0) :coeff 5)) :order #'lex>)
    7          (make-instance 'poly :dimension 1 :termlist (list (make-instance 'term :exponents #(1) :coeff 1)) :order #'lex>)))
     6         (make-instance 'poly :termlist (list (make-instance 'term :exponents #(0) :coeff 5)) :order #'lex>)
     7         (make-instance 'poly :termlist (list (make-instance 'term :exponents #(1) :coeff 1)) :order #'lex>)))
    99(setf r (POLYNOMIAL::ADD-TERMLISTS (list (make-instance 'term :exponents #(0) :coeff 5))
  • branches/f4grobner/test8.lisp

    r4447 r4463  
    11(in-package :polynomial)
    23(proclaim '(special p0 q0 p q p+q-good p+q-risky))
    4 (setf p0 (alist->poly (nreverse '(((2 0 0) . 2) ((1 1 0) . 1) ((1 0 0) . 1) ((0 1 0) . -1) ((0 0 0) . 2)))))
    5 (setf q0 (alist->poly (nreverse '(((2 0 0) . 2) ((0 1 0) . -1) ((0 0 0) . 2)))))
     5(setf p0 (alist->poly (reverse '(((2 0 0) . 2) ((1 1 0) . 1) ((1 0 0) . 1) ((0 1 0) . -1) ((0 0 0) . 2)))))
     6(setf q0 (alist->poly (reverse '(((2 0 0) . 2) ((0 1 0) . -1) ((0 0 0) . 2)))))
    78(setf p (poly-termlist p0))
    89(setf q (poly-termlist q0))
    10 (setf p+q-good (mapcar #'->list (slow-add p q #'lex> #'add-to)))
     11(setf p+q-good (mapcar #'->list (slow-add (mapcar #'copy:copy-instance p) (mapcar #'copy:copy-instance q) #'lex> #'add-to)))
    12 (setf p+q-risky (mapcar #'->list (fast-and-risky-add p q #'lex> #'add-to)))
     13(setf p+q-risky (mapcar #'->list (fast-and-risky-add (mapcar #'copy:copy-instance p) (mapcar #'copy:copy-instance q) #'lex> #'add-to)))
    14 ;;(assert (equal p+q-good p+q-risky) nil "Two methods gave different results.")
     15(assert (equal p+q-good p+q-risky) nil "Two methods gave different results.")
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