head 1.1; access; symbols; locks; strict; comment @;;; @; 1.1 date 2009.; author marek; state Exp; branches; next ; desc @@ 1.1 log @Initial revision @ text @#| $Id: ratpoly-tests.lisp,v 1.10 1997/12/13 07:45:04 marek Exp $ *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* | Copyright (C) 1994, Marek Rychlik (e-mail: rychlik@@math.arizona.edu) | | Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 | | | | Everyone is permitted to copy, distribute and modify the code in this | | directory, as long as this copyright note is preserved verbatim. | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* |# ;; Tests of the ratpoly package ;; Example of exercise 3.6.1 ;; f = x^2*y-3*x*y^2+x^2-3*x*y ;; g = x^3*y-4*y^2+y+x^3-4*y+1 ;;(require "parse") ;;(require "monom") ;;(require "printer") ;;(require "ratpoly") ;;(use-package '("parse" "monom" "printer" "ratpoly")) ;; The value of this variable is a function that will do evaluation ;; instead of eval; this one just prints what it is evaluating and calls eval (setf *evalhook* #'(lambda (form env) (format t "~&EVAL> ~a~%" form) (format t "~&VALUE--> ~a~2%" (eval form)) )) (dribble "ratpoly-tests.output") (setf f (parse-string-to-sorted-alist "x^2*y-3*x*y^2+x^2-3*x*y" '(x y))) (setf g (parse-string-to-sorted-alist "x^3*y-4*y^2+y+x^3-4*y+1" '(x y))) (princ ";; Print the polynomials") (terpri) (poly-print f '(x y)) (poly-print g '(x y)) (terpri) (princ ";; Convert the polynomials to RATPOLY form") (terpri) (setf rf (poly-to-ratpoly f)) (setf rg (poly-to-ratpoly g)) (princ ";; Print converted polynomials") (terpri) (ratpoly-print rf '(x y)) (ratpoly-print rg '(x y)) (terpri) (princ ";; Calculate the resultant") (terpri) (setf res (ratpoly-resultant rf rg)) (ratpoly-print res '(x y)) (setf res (ratpoly-to-poly res)) (poly-print res '(x y)) (terpri) (princ ";; Calculate the discriminant of f") (terpri) (setf disc (ratpoly-discriminant rf)) (ratpoly-print disc '(x y)) (terpri) (setf disc (ratpoly-to-poly disc)) (poly-print disc '(x y)) (terpri) (princ ";; Exercise 3.6.4 of Cox-Little-O'Shea") (terpri) (setf f (parse-string-to-sorted-alist "x^2*y-3*x-1" '(x y))) (setf g (parse-string-to-sorted-alist "6*x^2+y^2-4" '(x y))) (setf rf (poly-to-ratpoly f)) (setf rg (poly-to-ratpoly g)) (setf res (ratpoly-resultant rf rg)) (setf res (ratpoly-to-poly res)) (poly-print res '(x y)) (terpri) (setf res (poly-resultant f g)) (poly-print res '(x y)) (terpri) (princ ";; Check that the package works on poly's in 1 variable") (terpri) (princ ";; Exercise 3.6.8 of Cox-Little-O'Shea") (terpri) (princ ";; Maple answer:") (setf f (parse-string-to-sorted-alist "6*x^4-23*x^3+32*x^2-19*x+4" '(x))) (setf rf (poly-to-ratpoly f)) (setf rg (ratpoly-diff rf)) (setf g (ratpoly-to-poly rg)) (setf res (ratpoly-resultant rf rg)) (setf res (ratpoly-to-poly res)) (poly-print res '(x)) (terpri) (setf res (poly-resultant f g)) (poly-print res '(x)) (terpri) (princ ";; Yes! it works on one variable as well") (terpri) (princ ";; The previous exercise repeated for some random polynomial") (terpri) (princ ";; Exercise 3.6.8 of Cox-Little-O'Shea") (terpri) (princ ";; Maple answer:") (setf f (parse-string-to-sorted-alist "6*x^4+23*x^3-30*x^2-19*x+4" '(x))) (setf rf (poly-to-ratpoly f)) (setf rg (ratpoly-diff rf)) (setf g (ratpoly-to-poly rg)) (setf res (ratpoly-resultant rf rg)) (setf res (ratpoly-to-poly res)) (poly-print res '(x)) (terpri) (setf res (poly-resultant f g)) (poly-print res '(x)) (terpri) (princ ";; Maple answer: 13867656600") (terpri) (setf disc (ratpoly-discriminant rf)) (ratpoly-print disc '(x y)) (terpri) (setf disc (ratpoly-to-poly disc)) (poly-print disc '(x y)) (terpri) (princ ";; Maple equivalent is discrim(f,x)") (terpri) (princ ";; and yields: 2311276100") (terpri) (dribble) (setf *evalhook* nil) @