;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Package: Grobner; Base: 10 -*- #| *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* | Copyright (C) 1994, Marek Rychlik (e-mail: rychlik@math.arizona.edu) | | Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721 | | | | Everyone is permitted to copy, distribute and modify the code in this | | directory, as long as this copyright note is preserved verbatim. | *--------------------------------------------------------------------------* |# (defpackage "XGCD" (:use "COMMON-LISP") (:export xgcd)) (in-package "XGCD") (proclaim '(optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (safety 3) (debug 3))) (defun xgcd (X Y) "Extended gcd; the call (xgcd X Y) returns a multiple value list: - GCD - U,V such that they solve the equation GCD=U*X+V*Y - U1,V1 such that LCM=U1*X=V1*Y (up to the sign)." (labels ((xgcd-aux (x0 x1 u0 v0 u1 v1) (cond ((= x1 0) (values x0 u0 v0 u1 v1)) (t (multiple-value-bind (n x2) (floor x0 x1) (let ((u2 (- u0 (* n u1))) (v2 (- v0 (* n v1)))) (xgcd-aux x1 x2 u1 v1 u2 v2))))))) (xgcd-aux X Y 1 0 0 1)))