;;; $Id: user-manual.lisp,v 1.28 1997/12/03 02:38:33 marek Exp $ ;;; **************************************************************** ;;; CHANGE LOG: ;;; * Added package stuff ;;; * Modified by M. Rychlik (rychlik@math.arizona.edu) ;;; so that create-manuals accepts a directory prefix ;;; **************************************************************** (defpackage "USER-MANUAL" (:export create-user-manual create-manuals text scribe latex)) (in-package "USER-MANUAL") ;;; Thu Oct 20 20:18:29 1994 by Mark Kantrowitz ;;; user-manual.lisp -- 48831 bytes ;;; **************************************************************** ;;; Automatic User Manual Creation ********************************* ;;; **************************************************************** ;;; ;;; The Automatic User Manual Creation system is a common lisp portable ;;; system for automatically generating user's guides from the ;;; source definitions and their documentation strings. It uses several ;;; heuristics for formatting the documentation segments nicely. ;;; If Waters' XP pretty printer is available, it uses that instead to ;;; format the argument lists. ;;; ;;; The user guide for this file was created using this program and ;;; provides a good example of its capabilities. It was created by ;;; evaluating (create-user-manual "user-manual.lisp"). ;;; ;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz, December 1990. ;;; ;;; Address: Carnegie Mellon University ;;; School of Computer Science ;;; Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 1990. All rights reserved. ;;; ;;; See general license below. ;;; ;;; **************************************************************** ;;; General License Agreement and Lack of Warranty ***************** ;;; **************************************************************** ;;; ;;; This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful (both ;;; in and of itself and as an example of lisp programming), but WITHOUT ;;; ANY WARRANTY. The author(s) do not accept responsibility to anyone for ;;; the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any particular ;;; purpose or works at all. No warranty is made about the software or its ;;; performance. ;;; ;;; Use and copying of this software and the preparation of derivative ;;; works based on this software are permitted, so long as the following ;;; conditions are met: ;;; o The copyright notice and this entire notice are included intact ;;; and prominently carried on all copies and supporting documentation. ;;; o No fees or compensation are charged for use, copies, or ;;; access to this software. You may charge a nominal ;;; distribution fee for the physical act of transferring a ;;; copy, but you may not charge for the program itself. ;;; o If you modify this software, you must cause the modified ;;; file(s) to carry prominent notices (a Change Log) ;;; describing the changes, who made the changes, and the date ;;; of those changes. ;;; o Any work distributed or published that in whole or in part ;;; contains or is a derivative of this software or any part ;;; thereof is subject to the terms of this agreement. The ;;; aggregation of another unrelated program with this software ;;; or its derivative on a volume of storage or distribution ;;; medium does not bring the other program under the scope ;;; of these terms. ;;; o Permission is granted to manufacturers and distributors of ;;; lisp compilers and interpreters to include this software ;;; with their distribution. ;;; ;;; This software is made available AS IS, and is distributed without ;;; warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. ;;; ;;; In no event will the author(s) or their institutions be liable to you ;;; for damages, including lost profits, lost monies, or other special, ;;; incidental or consequential damages arising out of or in connection ;;; with the use or inability to use (including but not limited to loss of ;;; data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by third ;;; parties or a failure of the program to operate as documented) the ;;; program, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such ;;; damanges, or for any claim by any other party, whether in an action of ;;; contract, negligence, or other tortious action. ;;; ;;; The current version of this software and a variety of related ;;; utilities may be obtained by anonymous ftp from ftp.cs.cmu.edu ;;; ( or any other CS machine in the directory ;;; user/ai/lang/lisp/code/tools/user_man/ ;;; ;;; Please send bug reports, comments, questions and suggestions to ;;; mkant@cs.cmu.edu. We would also appreciate receiving any changes ;;; or improvements you may make. ;;; ;;; If you wish to be added to the Lisp-Utilities@cs.cmu.edu mailing list, ;;; send email to Lisp-Utilities-Request@cs.cmu.edu with your name, email ;;; address, and affiliation. This mailing list is primarily for ;;; notification about major updates, bug fixes, and additions to the lisp ;;; utilities collection. The mailing list is intended to have low traffic. ;;; ;;; ******************************** ;;; Change Log ********************* ;;; ******************************** ;;; ;;; mk = Mark Kantrowitz ;;; duff = David A. Duff ;;; rit = Jean-Francois Rit ;;; wds = William D Smith ;;; dick = Dick Jackson ;;; ma = Marco Antoniotti ;;; fdmm = Fernando D. Mato Mira ;;; ;;; 24-JAN-91 duff Fixed bug in documentation handler for defstructs. ;;; 24-JAN-91 duff Documentation-handlers for Lucid. ;;; 28-JAN-91 rit Changed format clauses with @: to :@ in handle-form-output. ;;; Otherwise Franz Allegro CL barfs. ;;; mk Note that CLtL2 specifies that either is OK, although ;;; :@ is traditional. ;;; 28-JAN-91 mk Added Scribe output format in addition to TEXT output ;;; format. ;;; 31-JAN-91 duff Doc-handler for define-condition. ;;; 05-FEB-91 wds Added doc-handlers for defmethod, defgeneric, defclass, ;;; deftype and defsetf. ;;; 05-FEB-91 mk Fixed handler for defmethod to handle qualifiers such ;;; as :before, :after, and :around. Fixed defsetf handler ;;; to include alternate format. Extended deftype handler. ;;; 07-FEB-91 dick Doc-handlers for CLOS defclass. [This was better than ;;; wds's. I've merged the capabilities of the two. ;;; Also, I added :blank for use in leaving the args ;;; position blank, and fixed split-string to not ;;; trim whitespace in certain circumstances. --mk] ;;; 08-FEB-91 wds Specialized the code using conditional read macros ;;; in case XP package not present. ;;; 05-JAN-93 ma Changed some of the inner working to add LaTeX ;;; support: defvar, defconstant and defparameter have ;;; their doc-handlers changed when they have nil as ;;; default and support functions have bee added for ;;; LaTeX. Also the structure of handle-form-output ;;; has been slightly changed. ;;; A LaTeX document including entries obtained via ;;; create-user-manual must contain (e.g. by '\input') ;;; the 'lisp:documentation' environment as defined in ;;; the companion file 'lisp-documentation.tex'. ;;; 03-MAR-93 fdmm Added doc-handler for ECLOS defconstraint. ;;; 03-MAR-93 fdmm Added create-manuals. ;;; 03-MAR-93 fdmm Enhanced defclass doc-handler to output metaclass, readers, ;;; writers, initargs and slot type info. ;;; 04-MAR-93 fdmm Fixed bug in handle-form-output (let --> let*). ;;; 05-MAR-93 fdmm Added basic FrameMaker(tm) support. ;;; 17-OCT-94 fdmm Added doc-handler for ECLOS defdaemon. ;;; 17-OCT-94 fdmm Accepts now :latex, etc. keywords, to avoid package ;;; problems, but still accepts `bad style' arguments for ;;; backwards compatibility. ;;; 20-OCT-94 mk Added *userman-version* parameter. ;;; ******************************** ;;; To Do ************************** ;;; ******************************** ;;; ;;; Generalize it to also use the definition's comments to create ;;; even more documentation. Essentially, change the #\; macro ;;; character so that instead of killing the remainder of the line, ;;; it processes it for the documentation. By making this program ;;; understand some sort of structured comments, we can have it ;;; ignore comment stubs and only include the meaty stuff. ;;; ;;; Clean up use of XP pretty printer. ;;; ;;; Need 'latex output-format. In 'scribe mode, need to convert @ to @@. ;;; ;;; Note that using :output-format 'scribe and running scribe with ;;; the -device FILE arguments should produce output similar to ;;; :output-format 'text, except without semicolons in the left margin. ;;; ;;; ******************************** ;;; Documentation Types ************ ;;; ******************************** ;;; ;;; This is a list of the documentation types currently supported: ;;; + = things in user-manual.lisp ;;; - = things still missing from user-manual.lisp ;;; ;;; COMMON-LISP forms: ;;; ;;; + (DEFCLASS name super-types slots &rest options ) ;;; + (DEFCONSTANT name initial-value &optional documentation ) ;;; + (DEFGENERIC name lambda-list &rest options ) ;;; + (DEFMACRO name lambda-list documentation ... ) ;;; + (DEFMETHOD name lambda-list documentation ... ) ;;; - defpackage ;;; + (DEFPARAMETER name initial-value &optional documentation ) ;;; + (DEFSETF name function documentation ) ;;; + (DEFSTRUCT name+options documentation &rest slots ) ;;; + (DEFTYPE name lambda-list documentation ... ) ;;; + (DEFUN name lambda-list documentation ... ) ;;; + (DEFVAR name &optional initial-value documentation ) ;;; ;;; ECLOS forms: ;;; ;;; + (DEFCONSTRAINT name super-types lambda-list documentation ...) ;;; + (DEFDAEMON name super-types lambda-list documentation ...) ;;; ;;; ******************************** ;;; Notes ************************** ;;; ******************************** ;;; ;;; USER-MANUAL has been tested (successfully) in the following lisps: ;;; CMU Common Lisp (M2.9 15-Aug-90, Compiler M1.8 15-Aug-90) ;;; Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp (1.3.2) ;;; ExCL (Franz Allegro CL 3.1.12 [DEC 3100] 3/30/90) ;;; Lucid CL (Version 2.1 6-DEC-87) ;;; ;;; USER-MANUAL needs to be tested in the following lisps: ;;; Symbolics Common Lisp (8.0) ;;; Lucid Common Lisp (3.0) ;;; Lucid Common Lisp (4.0) ;;; KCL (June 3, 1987 or later) ;;; AKCL (1.86, June 30, 1987 or later) ;;; TI (Release 4.1 or later) ;;; Ibuki Common Lisp (01/01, October 15, 1987) ;;; Golden Common Lisp (3.1 IBM-PC) ;;; VAXLisp (2.0, 3.1) ;;; HP Common Lisp (same as Lucid?) ;;; Procyon Common Lisp ;;; ******************************** ;;; User Guide ********************* ;;; ******************************** ;;; ;;; EXTRACT-DOCUMENTATION (body) [MACRO] ;;; ;;; ATOM-OR-CAR (list-or-atom) [FUNCTION] ;;; ;;; *DOCUMENTATION-HANDLERS* (make-hash-table :test [VARIABLE] ;;; (function equal)) ;;; Hash table of entries of the form (handler description), ;;; where definer is the car of the definition form handled (for ;;; example, DEFUN or DEFMACRO), handler is a function which takes the ;;; form as input and value-returns the name, argument-list and ;;; documentation string, and description is a one-word equivalent of ;;; definer (for example, FUNCTION or MACRO). ;;; ;;; DEFINE-DOC-HANDLER (definer arglist description &body body) [MACRO] ;;; Defines a new documentation handler. DEFINER is the car of the ;;; definition form handled (e.g., defun), DESCRIPTION is a one-word ;;; string equivalent of definer (e.g., "function"), and ARGLIST ;;; and BODY together define a function that takes the form as input ;;; and value-returns the name, argument-list, documentation string, ;;; and a list of any qualifiers of the form. ;;; ;;; FIND-DOC-HANDLER (definer) [FUNCTION] ;;; Given the car of a form, finds the appropriate documentation ;;; handler for the form if one exists. ;;; ;;; DEFINE-DOC-HANDLER (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for doc-handlers. ;;; ;;; DEFVAR (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for variables. ;;; ;;; DEFCONSTANT (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for constants. ;;; ;;; DEFPARAMETER (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for parameters. ;;; ;;; DEFUN (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for functions. ;;; ;;; DEFMACRO (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for macros. ;;; ;;; DEFSTRUCT (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for structures. ;;; ;;; DEFINE-CONDITION (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for conditions. ;;; ;;; DEFTYPE (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for types. ;;; ;;; DEFSETF (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for setf mappings. ;;; ;;; DEFMETHOD (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for methods. ;;; ;;; DEFGENERIC (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for generic functions. ;;; ;;; DEFCLASS (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for classs. ;;; ;;; DEFCONSTRAINT (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for constraints. ;;; ;;; DEFDAEMON (form) [DOC-HANDLER] ;;; Documentation handler for daemons. ;;; ;;; *FAILED-DEFINITION-TYPES* "()" [VARIABLE] ;;; List of definition types that create-user-manual couldn't handle. ;;; ;;; CREATE-USER-MANUAL (filename &key (output-format (quote text)) [FUNCTION] ;;; (output-stream *standard-output*)) ;;; Automatically creates a user manual for the functions in a file by ;;; collecting the documentation strings and argument lists of the ;;; functions and formatting the output nicely. Returns a list of the ;;; definition types of the forms it couldn't handle. Output-format ;;; may be either 'TEXT or 'SCRIBE. ;;; ;;; HANDLE-FORM-OUTPUT (form &optional (output-format (quote text)) [FUNCTION] ;;; (stream *standard-output*)) ;;; This function takes a form as input and outputs its documentation ;;; segment to the output stream. ;;; ;;; OUTPUT-TEXT-DOCUMENTATION (name type args documentation [FUNCTION] ;;; args-tab-pos type-pos ;;; &optional (stream *standard-output*)) ;;; Prints out the user guide entry for a form in TEXT mode. ;;; ;;; OUTPUT-SCRIBE-DOCUMENTATION (name type args documentation [FUNCTION] ;;; &optional ;;; (stream *standard-output*)) ;;; Prints out the user guide entry for a form in SCRIBE mode. ;;; ;;; XP-SPLIT-STRING (arglist width) [FUNCTION] ;;; PPrints the arglist into a string of specified width. Assumes ;;; that we're running the XP pretty printer. ;;; ;;; SPLIT-STRING (string width &optional arglistp filled [FUNCTION] ;;; (trim-whitespace t)) ;;; Splits a string into a list of strings, each of which is shorter ;;; than the specified width. Tries to be intelligent about where to ;;; split the string if it is an argument list. If filled is T, ;;; tries to fill out the strings as much as possible. This function ;;; is used to break up long argument lists nicely, and to break up ;;; wide lines of documentation nicely. ;;; ;;; SPLIT-POINT (string max-length &optional arglistp filled) [FUNCTION] ;;; Finds an appropriate point to break the string at given a target ;;; length. If arglistp is T, tries to find an intelligent position to ;;; break the string. If filled is T, tries to fill out the string as ;;; much as possible. ;;; ;;; LAMBDA-LIST-KEYWORD-POSITION (string [FUNCTION] ;;; &optional end trailer-only) ;;; If the previous symbol is a lambda-list keyword, returns ;;; its position. Otherwise returns end. ;;; ;;; BALANCED-PARENTHESIS-POSITION (string &optional end) [FUNCTION] ;;; Finds the position of the left parenthesis which is closest to END ;;; but leaves the prefix of the string with balanced parentheses or ;;; at most 1 unbalanced left parenthesis. ;;; ;;; PARSE-WITH-DELIMITER (line &optional (delim #\newline)) [FUNCTION] ;;; Breaks LINE into a list of strings, using DELIM as a ;;; breaking point. ;;; ;;; ******************************** ;;; Version Information ************ ;;; ******************************** (defparameter *userman-version* "2.0 20-OCT-94" "Current verison number/date for User-Manual.") (defun userman-copyright (&optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Prints a User Manual copyright notice and header upon startup." (format stream "~%;;; ~V,,,'*A" 73 "*") (format stream "~%;;; UserMan: Automatic User Manual Creation.") (format stream "~%;;; Version ~A." *userman-version*) (format stream "~%;;; Written by Mark Kantrowitz, CMU School of Computer Science.") (format stream "~%;;; Copyright (c) 1990-94. All rights reserved.") (format stream "~%;;; Use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted.") (format stream "~%;;; See the copyright notice in the source for details.") (format stream "~%;;; ~V,,,'*A~%" 73 "*") (force-output stream)) (userman-copyright) ;;; ******************************** ;;; Check for XP ******************* ;;; ******************************** ;; If the XP package is available, add :XP to *features* so that ;; the conditional read macros will work. (when (find-package "XP") (push :XP *FEATURES*)) ;;; ******************************** ;;; Utilities ********************** ;;; ******************************** (defmacro extract-documentation (body) `(when (and (stringp (car ,body)) (cdr ,body)) (pop ,body))) (defun atom-or-car (list-or-atom) (if (listp list-or-atom) (first list-or-atom) list-or-atom)) ;;; ******************************** ;;; Documentation Handlers ********* ;;; ******************************** (defvar *documentation-handlers* (make-hash-table :test #'equal) "Hash table of entries of the form (handler description), where definer is the car of the definition form handled (for example, DEFUN or DEFMACRO), handler is a function which takes the form as input and value-returns the name, argument-list and documentation string, and description is a one-word equivalent of definer (for example, FUNCTION or MACRO).") (defmacro define-doc-handler (definer arglist description &body body) "Defines a new documentation handler. DEFINER is the car of the definition form handled (e.g., defun), DESCRIPTION is a one-word string equivalent of definer (e.g., \"function\"), and ARGLIST and BODY together define a function that takes the form as input and value-returns the name, argument-list, documentation string, and a list of any qualifiers of the form." `(setf (gethash ',definer *documentation-handlers*) (list #'(lambda ,arglist ,@body) ,description))) (defun find-doc-handler (definer) "Given the car of a form, finds the appropriate documentation handler for the form if one exists." (gethash definer *documentation-handlers*)) (define-doc-handler define-doc-handler (form) "doc-handler" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (third form) (format nil "Documentation handler for ~A~P." (fourth form) 2))) ;;; Changed the return form for the arguments in defvar, defconstant ;;; and defparameter (basically 'listified' them). (define-doc-handler defvar (form) "variable" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (list (third form)) (fourth form))) (define-doc-handler defconstant (form) "constant" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (list (third form)) (fourth form))) (define-doc-handler defparameter (form) "parameter" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (list (third form)) (fourth form))) (define-doc-handler defun (form) "function" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (third form) (when (stringp (fourth form)) (fourth form)))) (define-doc-handler defconstraint (form) "constraint" ;; name super-types arglist documentation-string (let ((superclass-names (third form))) (values (second form) (fourth form) (format nil "~@[~A~]~%Superclasses~%~:[~:(~A~)~;~{~(~A~)~}~]" (when (stringp (fifth form)) (fifth form)) superclass-names (or superclass-names "None."))))) ; super-types (define-doc-handler defdaemon (form) "daemon" ;; name super-types arglist documentation-string (let ((superclass-names (third form))) (values (second form) (fourth form) (format nil "~@[~A~]~%Superclasses~%~:[~:(~A~)~;~{~(~A~)~}~]" (when (stringp (fifth form)) (fifth form)) superclass-names (or superclass-names "None."))))) ; super-types (define-doc-handler defmacro (form) "macro" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (third form) (when (stringp (fourth form)) (fourth form)))) (define-doc-handler defstruct (form) "structure" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (atom-or-car (second form)) (mapcar #'atom-or-car (if (stringp (third form)) (cdddr form) (cddr form))) (third form))) (define-doc-handler define-condition (form) "condition" (values (cadr form) ;; handled here like defstruct. ;; might want to skip this and return nil. (mapcar #'atom-or-car (fourth form)) (cadr (find :documentation (nthcdr 4 form) :key #'car)))) (define-doc-handler DEFTYPE (form) "type" (let ((name (second form)) (args (third form)) doc def) (setq form (cdddr form)) (setq doc (extract-documentation form)) (when (null (cdr form)) (setq def (car form))) ;; We give a try at the type definition if the body of the deftype ;; form consists of a single form. (if def (values name def doc (list args)) (values name args doc)))) #| (define-doc-handler DEFTYPE (form) "type" (values (second form) (third form) (fourth form))) |# (define-doc-handler DEFSETF (form) "setf mapping" ;; name args doc. ;; defsetf has two formats: ;; (defsetf name update-fn doc) ;; (defsetf name lambda-list (store-variable) doc-string body) (cond ((listp (third form)) ;; long format (values `(setf ,(second form)) (fourth form) ; store variable (fifth form))) (t ;; short format (values `(setf ,(second form)) (third form) (fourth form))))) ;;; ******************************** ;;; CLOS Related ******************* ;;; ******************************** (define-doc-handler DEFMETHOD (form) "method" ;; name arglist documentation-string ;; (defmethod name {qualifiers}* lambda-list [ {decl}* || doc ] body) (let (name quals args doc) (setf name (second form)) (do ((form (cddr form) (cdr form))) ((or (null form) ;; qualifiers are non-nil atoms while lambda-list is a list. (listp (car form))) (setq quals (nreverse quals)) (setq args (car form)) (setq form (cdr form)) (setq doc (extract-documentation form)) (values name args doc quals)) (when (atom (car form)) (push (car form) quals))))) #| (define-doc-handler DEFMETHOD (form) "method" ;; name arglist documentation-string (let* ((name (second form)) (qual (when (symbolp (third form)) (third form))) (args (if qual (cons qual (fourth form)) (third form))) (doc (if qual (fifth form) (fourth form)))) (values name args doc))) ;; Dick's version: (define-doc-handler defmethod (form) "method" ;; name arglist documentation-string (if (listp (third form)) (values (second form) (third form) (format nil "Primary method~%~A" (if (stringp (fourth form)) (fourth form) ""))) (values (second form) (fourth form) (format nil ":~A method~%~A" (third form) (if (stringp (fifth form)) (fifth form) ""))))) |# ;;; DEFGENERIC: misses many options (eg, compile optimizations, etc.) (define-doc-handler DEFGENERIC (form) "generic function" ;; name arglist documentation-string (values (second form) (third form) ;; doc-string is embedded in body of DEFGENERIC: (second (assoc :documentation (cdddr form))))) (defun listify (x) (if (null x) x (if (atom x) (list x) x))) (defun null-or-cdr (l) (if l (cdr l) l)) (defun null-or-cadr (l) (if l (cadr l) l)) (define-doc-handler DEFCLASS (form) "class" ;; name super-types slots &rest options (let ((class-options (nthcdr 4 form)) (class-name (second form)) (superclass-names (third form)) (slots (fourth form))) (values class-name :blank ; no args per se (format nil "~@[~A~]~@[~%Metaclass~%~(~A~)~]~%Superclasses~%~:[~:(~A~)~;~{~(~A~)~}~]~ ~%Initialization Arguments~:[~%None.~;~@[~:{~@[~%The :~(~A~) argument is a ~@[~(~A~)~]~]~}~]~]~ ~%Readers~:[~%None.~;~@[~{~@[~{~@[~{~%~(~A~)~AGeneric Function~ ~%~A~(~A~)~ ~%Returns ~@[~A~]~ ~}~]~ ~}~]~ ~}~]~]~ ~%Writers~:[~%None.~;~@[~{~@[~{~@[~{~%setf (~(~A~) ~(~A~))~AGeneric Setf Form~ ~%~A~(~A~)~ ~%The ~(~A~) argument should be a ~ ~@[~A~]~ ~}~]~ ~}~]~ ~}~]~]" ;; Class documentation (second (assoc :documentation class-options)) ;; Metaclass (second (assoc :metaclass class-options)) ;; Superclasses superclass-names (or superclass-names "None.") slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (if (atom slot) nil (let ((key (null-or-cadr (member :initarg slot)))) (if key (list key (null-or-cadr (member :type slot))) nil)))) slots) slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (if (atom slot) nil (mapcar #'(lambda (acc) (list acc #\tab #\tab class-name (null-or-cadr (member :documentation slot)) )) (append (listify (null-or-cadr (member :reader slot))) (listify (null-or-cadr (member :accessor slot))))))) slots) slots (mapcar #'(lambda (slot) (if (atom slot) nil (mapcar #'(lambda (acc) (list acc class-name #\tab #\tab acc acc (null-or-cadr (member :documentation slot)) )) (append (listify (null-or-cadr (member :writer slot))) (listify (null-or-cadr (member :accessor slot))))))) slots) )))) ;;; ******************************** ;;; Doc Handlers for Lucid's FFI *** ;;; ******************************** ;;; Doc-handlers for Lucid's foreign function interface #+:lucid (define-doc-handler def-foreign-synonym-type (form) "foreign synonym type" (values (second form) (third form) nil)) #+:lucid (define-doc-handler def-foreign-struct (form) "foreign synonym type" (values (second form) (mapcar #'car (cddr form)) nil)) #+:lucid (define-doc-handler def-foreign-function (form) "foreign function" (values (atom-or-car (second form)) (if (stringp (third form)) (cddr form) (cdddr form)) (third form))) ;;; ******************************** ;;; Create User Manual ************* ;;; ******************************** (defvar *failed-definition-types* nil "List of definition types that create-user-manual couldn't handle.") (defun create-user-manual (filename &key (output-format 'text) (output-stream *standard-output*) (purge-latex t) (purge-latex-in-doc-strings t)) "Automatically creates a user manual for the functions in a file by collecting the documentation strings and argument lists of the functions and formatting the output nicely. Returns a list of the definition types of the forms it couldn't handle. Output-format may be either 'TEXT, 'SCRIBE or 'LATEX. In this last case the extra keyword 'purge-latex' may be specified: if non nil the latex filter will try to substitute possible dangerous characters like '&', '\\' and '#'." (setq *failed-definition-types* nil) (with-open-file (stream filename :direction :input) (let ((eof (gensym))) (format t "~%;;; Formatting ") (case output-format ((text :text) (format t "text")) ((scribe :scribe) (format t "SCRIBE")) ((latex :latex) (format t "LaTeX"))) (format t " manual from Lisp file: ~a" filename) (do ((form (read stream nil eof nil) (read stream nil eof nil))) ((eq form eof) *failed-definition-types*) (when (listp form) (handle-form-output form output-format output-stream purge-latex purge-latex-in-doc-strings)))))) (defun handle-form-output (form &optional (output-format 'text) (stream *standard-output*) (purge-latex t) (purge-latex-in-doc-strings t)) "This function takes a form as input and outputs its documentation segment to the output stream." (let* ((key (first form)) (handler-entry (find-doc-handler key))) (cond (handler-entry (let ((handler (first handler-entry)) (type (second handler-entry)) ) (multiple-value-bind (name args documentation qualifiers) (funcall handler form) (let ((name-length 0) (args (cond ((stringp args) ; variable (format nil "~S" args)) ((null args) "()") ((eq args :blank) "") (t args))) (type-pos (- 80 1)) ; 1 for right margin (args-list-form args) ) (setq name (format nil "~:@(~A~)~@[~{ ~S~}~]" name qualifiers) type (format nil "~:@(~A~)" type) name-length (length name) ) ;; subtract the width of [type] (decf type-pos (+ (length type) 2)) (let ((width (- type-pos (+ 1 4 1 ) name-length))) (unless (or (eq output-format 'text) (eq output-format :text)) ;; Add in the width of ";;; " since we use it ;; only in text mode. (incf width 4)) (setq args #+:XP(xp-split-string args width) #-:XP(split-string (format nil "~(~S~)" args) width t))) (ccase output-format ((text :text) (output-text-documentation name type args documentation name-length type-pos stream)) ((scribe :scribe) (output-scribe-documentation name type args documentation stream)) ((latex :latex) (output-latex-documentation name type args-list-form documentation stream purge-latex purge-latex-in-doc-strings))) )))) ((eq key 'eval-when) (dolist (f (cddr form)) (handle-form-output f output-format stream))) (t (pushnew key *failed-definition-types*))))) (defun find-keyword (sym) (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) :keyword)) (defun output-frame-documentation (name type args documentation &optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Prints out the user guide entry for a form in FrameMaker(tm) mode." (format stream "~%~A~A~A~%" name #\tab (string-capitalize (symbol-name type))) (when (and args (not (equal args '(())))) (format stream "Syntax~%") (format stream "~A" name) (format stream "~A" #\tab) (let ((&rest-p nil) (&key-p nil) (&aux-p nil) (&optional-p nil) (first-&aux-p t) (first-&key-p t) (first-&optional-p t)) (dolist (arg args) (case arg (&rest (setf &rest-p t) (setf &key-p nil) (setf &optional-p nil) (format stream "~%~A&rest~A" #\tab #\tab)) (&key (setf &key-p t) (setf &rest-p nil) (setf &optional-p nil) (format stream "~%~A&key~A" #\tab #\tab)) (&optional (setf &optional-p t) (setf &rest-p nil) (setf &key-p nil) (format stream "~%~A&optional~A" #\tab #\tab)) (&aux (setf &aux-p t) (setf &rest-p nil) (setf &key-p nil) (setf &optional-p nil) (format stream "~%~A&aux" #\tab)) (t (cond (&rest-p (format stream "~(~A~)" arg)) (&aux-p (unless first-&aux-p (format stream "~%~%~A~A" #\tab #\tab) (setf first-&aux-p nil)) (format stream "~(~A~)" arg)) (&key-p (unless first-&key-p (format stream "~%~%~A~A" #\tab #\tab) (setf first-&key-p nil)) (if (listp arg) (let ((key (car arg))) (if (listp key) (format stream "~((:~A ~A)~)" (car key) (second arg)) (format stream "(:~(~A~) ~(~A)~)" key (second arg)))) (format stream "~(~A~) " arg))) (&optional-p (unless first-&optional-p (format stream "~%~%~A~A" #\tab #\tab) (setf first-&optional-p nil)) (format stream "~(~A~) " (if (listp arg) (cons (car arg) (cadr arg)) arg))) (t ;;(if (listp arg) ;; (format stream "(~(~A~) ~(~A~))" (first arg) (second arg)) (format stream "~%~A~(~A~)" #\tab arg))))))) (when args (format stream "~%Arguments") (let ((&rest-p nil) (&key-p nil) (&optional-p nil)) (dolist (arg args) (case arg (&rest (setf &rest-p t)) (&key (setf &key-p t) (setf &rest-p nil) (setf &optional-p nil)) (&optional (setf &optional-p t) (setf &rest-p nil) (setf &key-p nil)) (&aux (setf &rest-p nil) (setf &key-p nil) (setf &optional-p nil)) (&allow-other-keys (setf &rest-p nil)) (t (cond (&rest-p (format stream "~%The ~(~A~) argument consists of " arg) (setf &rest-p nil)) (t (format stream "~%The ") (cond (&key-p (if (listp arg) (let ((key (car arg))) (format stream ":~(~A~)" (if (listp key) (car key) key))) (format stream ":~(~A~)" arg))) (&optional-p (format stream "~(~A~)" (if (listp arg) (car arg) arg))) (t (if (listp arg) (format stream "~(~A~)" (car arg)) (format stream "~(~A~)" arg)))) (format stream " argument is a ")))))))) (format stream "~%Values~%The result is ") (format stream "~%Purpose")) (when (stringp documentation) (format stream "~%") (format stream documentation))) (defun output-text-documentation (name type args documentation args-tab-pos type-pos &optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Prints out the user guide entry for a form in TEXT mode." (format stream "~%;;; ~A ~A ~VT[~A]" name (first args) type-pos type) (dolist (arg (rest args)) (format stream "~%;;; ~0,1,V,' @A" (+ #+:XP 1 #-:XP 2 args-tab-pos) arg)) (when (stringp documentation) ;; We give a line width of 70 characters for documentation ;; strings. This leaves us room for a left margin of ;; ";;; " and a right margin of 3 spaces (2 chars left of []). (dolist (string (split-string documentation 70 nil nil nil)) (format stream "~&;;; ~A" string))) (format stream "~%;;;")) (defun output-scribe-documentation (name type args documentation &optional (stream *standard-output*)) "Prints out the user guide entry for a form in SCRIBE mode." (format stream "~%@begin(format,group)~%@tabclear()") (format stream "~%@t[~(~A~)] @^~A@>[~:(~A~)]" name (first args) type) (dolist (arg (rest args)) (format stream #+:XP "~%@\\@ ~A" #-:XP "~%@\\~A" arg)) (format stream "~%@tabclear()") ;; (format stream "~%@hinge()") (format stream "~%@begin(quotation,indent 0,size +0)") (when (stringp documentation) (dolist (string (split-string documentation 70 nil nil nil)) (format stream "~%~A" string))) (format stream "~%@end(quotation)~%@end(format)~%")) (defun output-latex-documentation (name type args documentation &optional (stream *standard-output*) (purge-documentation t) (purge-documentation-in-doc-strings t)) "Prints out the user guide entry for a form in LaTeX mode." (format stream "\\begin{lisp:documentation}") (format stream "{~(~A~)}{~A}" (purge-string-for-latex name purge-documentation) type) (format stream "~:[{\\ }~;{~{~(~A~) ~}}~]~%" args (preprocess-lisp-latex-clashes args purge-documentation)) (if (stringp documentation) (format stream "~{~A~%~}" (split-string (purge-string-for-latex documentation purge-documentation-in-doc-strings) 70 nil nil nil)) (format stream "{\\ } % NO DOCUMENTATION FOR ~A~%" name)) (format stream "\\end{lisp:documentation}~2%")) (defun purge-string-for-latex (a-string purge-doc) "Tries to purge a string from characters that are potentially dangerous for LaTeX." (if purge-doc (with-input-from-string (a-str a-string) (with-output-to-string (result) (let ((eos (gensym))) (do ((c (read-char a-str nil eos nil) (read-char a-str nil eos nil))) ((eq c eos) result) (case c (#\& (format result "\\&")) (#\\ (format result "$\\backslash$")) ; I have to ; resort to math ; mode to do this. (#\# (format result "\\#")) (#\$ (format result "\\$")) (#\% (format result "\\%")) (#\{ (format result "\\{")) (#\} (format result "\\}")) (#\_ (format result "\\_}")) (#\> (format result "$>$")) ;how to do this right? (M.R) (#\< (format result "$<$")) (#\^ (format result "\\symbol{94}")) (#\~ (format result "\\symbol{126}")) (t (format result "~C" c))))) )) a-string )) (defun preprocess-lambda-keywords (args) "Unused" (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (if (member arg lambda-list-keywords :test #'eq) (format nil "{\\sf \\~(~A~)}" arg) arg)) args)) (defun preprocess-lisp-latex-clashes (args purge-doc) "This function is used to make the strings for the arguments of the form digestible for LaTeX, e.g. by removing '#' and '&'." (if (stringp args) (list args) (mapcar #'(lambda (arg) (cond ((member arg lambda-list-keywords :test #'eq) (format nil "{\\sf \\~(~A~)}" arg)) ((listp arg) ; OK OK I am missing cons cells! (preprocess-specials arg purge-doc)) ((characterp arg) (preprocess-character arg)) (t (purge-string-for-latex (format nil "~S" arg) purge-doc)))) args))) (defun preprocess-character (c) "Low level processing of single characters, when passed as defaults to optional, key and aux parameters." ;; The stupid LaTeX manual does not tell be how to produce a single ;; '\' without being in math mode, so I have to trick it. (case c (#\newline "\\#$\\backslash${newline}") (#\space "\\#$\\backslash${space}") (#\rubout "\\#$\\backslash${rubout}") (#\page "\\#$\\backslash${page}") (#\backspace "\\#$\\backslash${backspace}") (#\return "\\#$\\backslash${return}") (#\linefeed "\\#$\\backslash${linefeed}") (t c))) (defun preprocess-specials (list-form purge-doc) "Processing of some 'special' forms. Only 'quote' and 'function' are treated for the time being." (case (first list-form) (function (format nil "\\#'~A" (purge-string-for-latex (format nil "~A" (second list-form)) purge-doc))) (quote (format nil "'~A" (purge-string-for-latex (format nil "~A" (second list-form)) purge-doc))) (t (preprocess-lisp-latex-clashes list-form purge-doc)))) #+:XP (defun xp-split-string (arglist width) "PPrints the arglist into a string of specified width. Assumes that we're running the XP pretty printer." (let ((xp::*default-right-margin* width) (xp::*print-miser-width* 30) string) (cond ((stringp arglist) (list arglist)) (t (setq string (with-output-to-string (stream) (pprint arglist stream))) (setq string (format nil "~(~A~)" string)) (setq string (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (string-equal x "")) (parse-with-delimiter string #\newline))) string)))) (defun split-string (string width &optional arglistp filled (trim-whitespace t)) "Splits a string into a list of strings, each of which is shorter than the specified width. Tries to be intelligent about where to split the string if it is an argument list. If filled is T, tries to fill out the strings as much as possible. This function is used to break up long argument lists nicely, and to break up wide lines of documentation nicely." (let ((string-list (parse-with-delimiter string #\newline)) (result nil)) (do* ((rest string-list (rest rest)) (s (car rest) (car rest))) ((null rest) (nreverse result)) (multiple-value-bind (first second) (split-point s width arglistp filled) (if trim-whitespace (setf first (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) first)) (when (and (> (length first) 0) (char= (char first 0) #\space)) (if (and (> (length first) 3) (char= (char first 1) #\space) (char= (char first 2) #\space) (not (char= (char first 3) #\space))) (setf first (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) first)) (setf first (subseq first 1))))) (when (not (string-equal first "")) (push first result)) (when (and second (not (string-equal second ""))) (setf rest (list* nil (concatenate 'string (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) second) " " (and (cadr rest) (string-trim '(#\space #\tab) (cadr rest)))) (cddr rest)))))))) ;;; need some way for the last line from an arglist to possibly ;;; be split, even if it has a perfect fit. (defun split-point (string max-length &optional arglistp filled) "Finds an appropriate point to break the string at given a target length. If arglistp is T, tries to find an intelligent position to break the string. If filled is T, tries to fill out the string as much as possible." ;; we probably should split some strings that are short enough anyway ;; but need a base condition to prevent infinite loops. (cond ((< (length string) max-length) (let ((lambda (lambda-list-keyword-position string (length string) t))) (if (and arglistp lambda (not (zerop lambda))) (values (subseq string 0 lambda) (unless (= lambda (length string)) (subseq string lambda))) string))) (t ;; Find the first space that breaks the arglist. ;; If parentheses are not balanced at this point, ;; go to the first balanced paren that isn't at position ;; zero (actually, the conditions are much more complex). ;; Then check if the previous "word" is a lambda-list keyword. ;; This gives it a preference for lambda-list keywords. (let* ((space-pos (position #\space string :from-end t :end max-length)) (pos space-pos)) (when arglistp (let* ((paren (balanced-parenthesis-position string (or space-pos max-length))) (lambda (lambda-list-keyword-position string (or paren max-length)))) (cond ((and lambda paren space-pos arglistp (not (zerop lambda)) (or (not filled) (< (- max-length 10) lambda max-length))) (setq pos lambda)) ((and paren space-pos arglistp (not (zerop paren)) (or (not filled) (< (- max-length 10) paren max-length))) (setq pos paren))))) (if pos (values (subseq string 0 pos) (unless (= pos (length string)) (subseq string pos))) string))))) (defun lambda-list-keyword-position (string &optional end trailer-only) "If the previous symbol is a lambda-list keyword, returns its position. Otherwise returns end." ;; possibly extend this to also search for colons for keywords? (when (null end) (setf end (length string))) (let ((ampersand (position #\& string :from-end t :end end)) (rightmost-space (position #\space string :from-end t :end end))) (if ampersand (cond ((find (string-trim '(#\space) (subseq string ampersand end)) lambda-list-keywords :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal) ampersand) ((and rightmost-space (not trailer-only) (< ampersand rightmost-space) (find (string-trim '(#\space) (subseq string ampersand rightmost-space)) lambda-list-keywords :key #'symbol-name :test #'string-equal)) ampersand) (t end)) end))) (defun balanced-parenthesis-position (string &optional end) "Finds the position of the left parenthesis which is closest to END but leaves the prefix of the string with balanced parentheses or at most 1 unbalanced left parenthesis." (when (null end) (setf end (length string))) (let* ((num-left (count #\( string :end end)) (num-right (count #\) string :end end)) (imbalance (max 0 (- num-left num-right))) (leftmost-left-paren (position #\( string :end end)) (leftmost-right-paren (position #\) string :end end)) (rightmost-left-paren (position #\( string :end end :from-end t))) (cond ((and leftmost-left-paren leftmost-right-paren (< leftmost-right-paren leftmost-left-paren)) ;; if we have ")(", break after the right paren. leftmost-left-paren) ((and leftmost-right-paren (not leftmost-left-paren)) ;; we have a right paren but no left (1+ (position #\) string :from-end t :end end))) ((or (= imbalance 0) (and (or (char= (char string 0) #\() (char= (char string 0) #\&)) (cond (leftmost-right-paren ;; there's a right paren and the left ;; parens before it account for the imbalance ;; actually, we need to do a fancier balancing ;; operation here to absorb balanced left ;; parentheses. (not (< (1- (count #\( string :end leftmost-right-paren)) imbalance))) ((find #\space string :end rightmost-left-paren) nil) (t)))) ;; either we're balanced, or the imbalance is due to ;; left-parens at the left edge. end) (t ;; let's try to reduce the imbalance (if (and rightmost-left-paren (not (zerop rightmost-left-paren))) (balanced-parenthesis-position string rightmost-left-paren) end))))) ;;; This was a preliminary BUILD-SYMBOL. ;;; I've given a more complex implementation of this to Mark ;;; to include in EXTENSIONS or something like that. - fdmm (defun um-build-symbol (symbol &key (prefix nil prefix-p) (suffix nil suffix-p) (package nil package-p)) "Build a symbol concatenating prefix (if not null), symbol, and suffix (if not null). The newly generated symbol is interned in package, if not null, or in the SYMBOL-PACKAGE of symbol, otherwise." (let ((newname (symbol-name symbol))) (when prefix-p (setf newname (concatenate 'string (symbol-name prefix) newname))) (when suffix-p (setf newname (concatenate 'string newname (symbol-name suffix)))) (if package-p (intern newname package) (intern newname (symbol-package symbol))))) (defun create-manuals (files &key (prefix nil) (extension '.cl) (output-format 'text) (purge-latex t) (purge-latex-in-doc-strings t)) (format t "~%;;;~%;;; User manuals will be created in directory ~A~%;;;" (string-downcase prefix)) (loop for file in files do (WITH-OPEN-FILE (STREAM (string-downcase (symbol-name (um-build-symbol file :prefix prefix :suffix (case output-format ((text :text) '.txt) ;What would be a `standard' extension for SCRIBE? ((scribe :scribe) '.scb) ((frame :frame) '.fm) ((latex :latex) '.tex))))) :DIRECTION :OUTPUT :if-does-not-exist :create :IF-EXISTS :new-version) (CREATE-USER-MANUAL (string-downcase (symbol-name (um-build-symbol file :suffix extension))) :OUTPUT-STREAM STREAM :output-format output-format :purge-latex purge-latex :purge-latex-in-doc-strings purge-latex-in-doc-strings))) (format t "~%;;;~%;;; END OF MANUAL PROCESSING.~%;;;")) (defun parse-with-delimiter (line &optional (delim #\newline)) "Breaks LINE into a list of strings, using DELIM as a breaking point." ;; what about #\return instead of #\newline? (let ((pos (position delim line))) (cond (pos (cons (subseq line 0 pos) (parse-with-delimiter (subseq line (1+ pos)) delim))) (t (list line))))) ;;; ******************************** ;;; Dead Code ********************** ;;; ******************************** #| ;(split-string "the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs" 20) (split-string "(((&OPTIONAL (NODE (QUOTE NODE)) (QUEUE (QUOTE QUEUE)) (CHILDREN (QUOTE CHILDREN)) VISITED) INITIAL-QUEUE CHILDREN-FORM &OPTIONAL (DEQUEUE-FORM (QUOTE (POP QUEUE))) (MERGE-FORM (QUOTE (SETQ QUEUE (APPEND QUEUE PROGENY)))) RESULT-FORM) &BODY BODY)" 30 t) ;(BALANCED-PARENTHESIS-POSITION "foo the (bar baz) (biz" ) |#